Chapter 9- Searching

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You gulped. When is it going to happen? Did he want to see you suffer till you die? Or is he going to surprise you? It's hard to tell since your eyelids were closed. You took the chance to open your eyes just to check what he was doing. You imagined him stabbing you right after you open your eyes fully. Little by little you forced your eyes to open. When they were fully open you saw Saeran's face. Looking at you he spoke: "If you think you'll die, then you're absolutely wrong," The words that came out of the male's mouth surprised surprised you. Then if he wasn't going to kill you, what was he going to do with you?

"W-what are y-you planning to do then?" you trembled in fear. You bit your lip and waited for a response. Saeran looked down at your left arm and shot his eyes in yours and smirked; "Just a little cut won't hurt a lot, am I right?" Did he just say cut!? Was he going to cut your arm? How deep? How many cuts?

"W-what?" you questioned, even though you knew what he said you just want to make sure if it was right. Saeran lowly chuckled in response: "Ahh.... I think you exactly know what I said,"

Aw shit!

You gulped down your spit and started to tremble. A little cut might not hurt...
Saeran placed the sharp and cold blade on your left arm, positioning it to cut. Without any warning he cut a thin line across your arm making you scream in pain. You could hardly breath from the stinging feeling. The male slowly grinned to himself as he wiped your crimson red blood on his shirt. He stood up and put the knife from it's original place. Who the hell will keep a knife here? Is this a weapon storage? Saeran walked towards the door and opened it.

"Wait!" You spoke, making Saeran turn around and face you. "How long will you keep me here?" you asked. You hoped he will let you free some day. The white-haired hummed thinking of an answer: "....long enough for you to behave,"


If you were in an anime, your face would have a big question mark on. Saeran didn't answer and walked away closing the door after him, and locking it. You sighed in frustration. How are you supposed to get out. You stared at the drawers in front of you while thinking of a plan. You knew that there was a knife inside a drawer, but the door is locked and you're attached to the chair your sitting on. You hung down you head down in frustation. There is nothing to do here but to sit and sleep. Your cut was still bleeding but it's slowly recovering. You stared down at your red cut and slowly dosed off.


Yoosung pressed the doorbell at Luciel's place. Moments later he heard Luciel's voice in the speaker under the doorbell: "I'm busy right now,"

"But Seven, I want to help too!" Yoosung reasoned, making Luciel sigh: "Okay, you can help but you have to concentrate on what work I give you,"

Yoosung smiled in succesfulness and shortly the gate to Luciel's house opened. Yoosung rushed to the door and Luciel opened it. His hair was messy, deep and dark circles from the lack of sleep and his clothes was wrinkled. Luciel didn't say anything but let Yoosung in.

"Your job is to check every single security camera that I have list down, understood?" Luciel explained.


"Good, you can start now," Luciel interrupted Yoosung and got to work. Yoosung was supposed to ask what Luciel was going to do but didn't bother but instead got straight to work.


"Ughh...." Yoosung sighed. He has been working for hours but he hasn't found any sign of you. He became more and more impatient every second but he bet that Luciel has a crap ton of work to do. Suddenly a strange sound grumbled from Yoosung's stomach. He put his hand over his stomach: "I have been so busy that I forgot to eat something," he said out loud. He streched his hands and stood up fron the chair he sat on.

Yoosung was sure that Luciel stores Honey Buddha Chips but he wanted pizza more than chips. Yoosung walked to Luciel's office door and knocked: "Hey Seven, is it ok if I order pizza?"

"M'kay," Luciel answered quickly.
"What pizza do you want?"
"Just pick anything as long it's edible,"
"It will be pepperoni then," Yoosung thought to himself and walked to the chair he sat on earlier. He grabbed his phone and dialled a pizzeria's number.

As Yoosung talked at the person across the line he checked the security cameras to search for you. After talking on the phone, Yoosung checked his wallet for money. His jaw dropped down in shockness! He only had 10 dollars and some coins! Yoosung sighed in disappointment and hung his shoulders down. He ordered not two but seven boxes of pizza!

Suddenly, Yoosung came up with a brilliant idea! He walked to Luciel's office, knocked and slightly opened the door. But as when Yoosung was going to say something, Luciel threw his wallet to Yoosung. Luckily Yoosung catched it in time.

"Pay as much as you want," Luciel spoke, eyes glued in the computer screen and typed rapidly on the keyboard. "Now go, I'm busy,"

Yoosung closed the door and looked through Luciel's wallet. He had a lot more money than Yoosung. Yoosung scratched his head: "I thought Seven always spent his money on cars," Yoosung thought and continued his work.


Saeran looked at his "princess". He grinned to himself. You were his now. No one can you find here. No matter what you do, you can't escape.

"Merry Christmas, MC," Saeran smirked.

(A/N: Wassup? Merry Christmas? It's not even Christmas! Well, this chapter was going to be uploaded in December but shit happend soooo the next chapter will have a major time skip. Mainly because I'm catching up for Valentines :) Thank you for reading! Take care!!)

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