5 | MISSION 54 Part Two

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"Daenerys Targaryen."

She almost jumped hearing his husky Northern accent above the loud music as he called her name from behind. It bewildered her how he moved undetected and now only inches apart from her.

The cool fragrance of Jon Snow turned her into melted butter but still, she composed herself. "What they said about you was nothing but a lie."

"What have they said about me?" Her voice half-yelling and light violet eyes locked seductively on her target.

He moved closer as the blaring music started to wane their hearing. "That you were beautiful."  He spoke softly in her ear. His hand on the small of her back sent shivers down her spine.

"And you disagree?" She struggled in her well-trained act. The Order had certainly not prepared her for a man like Jon Snow.

"Yes. Clearly, they haven't seen you through my eyes." His eyes were gleaming darkly on every part of her visible radiant skin and back to her eyes.

Dany suddenly felt naked. "And what do you see if I may ask?" She cleared her throat.

"Follow me."  He offered his burnt hand and she took it. It was the hand that hammer fisted the Mountain and she liked to believe it was the giant's blood that kept it warm.

Dany was not familiar of the corridors that lay inside the mansion nor where he might be taking her — to the torture chamber or to his bed. All she knew was that she wouldn't allow anyone to kill or rape her that night.

Through the festive crowd and onto various passageways, they entered into a massive hall made of granite with gilded ancient first men lettering carved on its strong walls.

"Have you heard of the man who built this fortress?" He asked.

"Durran Godsgrief," she remembered the stories Rhaegar used to tell her.

"That's right. And the Gods despised him after he stole one precious thing from them." He trailed his free fingers on the wall whilst never letting go of Dany's hand until they reached a golden sculpture of a mermaid raised by angry waves. Pointing at it, he said,  "He stole Elenei, daughter of the Sea God and Goddess of the Wind."

"I'm well aware of the history of Storms End, Jon Snow." Dany leaned on the wall beside the statue. "The Age of Heroes were my bedtime stories."

"You asked me what I see in you—" Moving closer with strides so calm, his face was inches from her now. The tips of his fingers traced the outline of her beautiful face, her neck, shoulder and arm leaving a zing of electricity she tried to conceal.  "I will steal you from the Gods." His brooding dark eyes full of determination marveled on her.

Dany couldn't control her cheeks turning red. "You see Elenei in me?" She smirked, their nose touching.

"No." Snow moved his lips by her ear and whispered. "I see a goddess."

Oh he's good. Spellbound, she realized he was doing the seducing; not her. She had to take control. Pushing him to the wall with her hands on his neck, she said, "I am and you are my Storm king."

Snow smiled and slid his hands on her back pulling her close. Her breasts pressed against his hard chest.

They kissed passionately. His hands trailing every part of her, raising the hems of her dress to touch her thighs and all the while guiding her towards his bedroom without breaking their kiss.

When they reached a sleek black and gray bedroom with a balcony overseeing the Shipbreaker Bay, she pushed him to his silk black sheets. Climbing on top of him, she slowly unzipped her dress.

"You are mi..."Jon Snow lost consciousness. She smiled and zipped her dress back up. Her plan worked perfectly.

Her dark lipstick had a sedative component that dozes a man off for 24hrs. 

She turned her tracking device on to signal the Order of the Seven. In an hour, a jet will arrive to take them both to the headquarters.

In the meantime, she laid down beside the most attractive man she ever saw and stared at his peaceful enchanting face. It was stupid but she left herself sniffing his scent. Dany had to admit that it aroused her deeply at the extent that she wished the sedative wouldn't work so instead, she could give him her maidenhead as Elenei did to Durran Godsgrief that angered the gods.

Get a grip! He's a criminal! Mad about herself, she stood up and checked his pockets. It was empty.

She headed to the bathroom and took her lipstick off. It had smudged all over her neck. That made her laugh. She couldn't even remember him kissing her there — just the feeling of it that warmed her shaking legs.

30 minutes more.

Washing her hands, she looked back at herself in the mirror. A dark figure of a man was already behind her.

Before she could react, he wrapped his left arm over her neck and whispered, "The best part of being a man of science is—" A familiar husky voice. Both of her hands gripped on his forearms to prevent him from choking her. "—I developed my own immunogen for all types of poison or sedatives."

She kept quiet, thinking of a way out of this.

"It's a shame I didn't get to see what's underneath all this." His free hand touched her stomach and sliding down below.

She jumped pushing her legs towards the sink and propelled them back. His choke loosened and she managed to escape running towards the bedroom putting a space between them. Stormborn was on her fighting stance.

Snow laughed and came out of the bathroom with a black fabric in his hands. He had ripped half a portion of her skirt that showed her hip and leg.

"Much, much better." His white teeth glowed in darkness.  "Who are you working for, my love?"

"No one." She sprang a kick but he was able to grab hold of it and punched her on the stomach. Ow!

22 minutes.

"Your brother would never betray me." Jon grabbed her closer and gripped her thigh harder this time. "Remember this, sweetheart?"

Recovered from his blow, she knocked his head with her own and kicked him back. She lunged herself toward him and punched his face. It hadn't affected him.

He held her wrist before she could elbow him but she still managed to claw his right face that will surely leave a scar.

No matter what she did, it seemed to have enjoyed him.

He twisted her arm and she screamed in pain.

Before he could break it, she back flipped grabbing a vase and used the bed as a platform for her to climb on his shoulders. She smashed the vase on his head while he tried to knock her to the wall, pillars and doors. But she held on and continued hammer fisting his head as her legs choked him. Finally she fell after her head hit a marble statue that cracked at it's impact.

They were both limping, panting, bruised and bloody.

Faking unconscious, she felt a short shard of glass on her hand and when he kneeled to choke her, she stabbed him three times on the chest. Astonishingly, he shrugged it off and punched her face with his famous left hand that petrified a giant. "You're something else, Daenerys Targaryen."

She was woozy but suddenly heard a jet's engine nearby. He, too, seemed to notice and carried her towards the balcony. His men arrived and followed him there.

A black jet was hovering in the air.

He yelled but didn't care if they heard him through the noise. "Take her but you cannot take me." And with that, he kissed her forehead goodbye and dropped her over the balcony into the ocean.

The waved crashed as if the gods were about to swallow her back. He walked away and never looked back.


Days after, he was spotted in Asshai'i but since then, Snow was never seen again.

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