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Ygritte awoke from a light sleep. With eyes remained closed, her fingers trailed through the white sheets but no one was there. Her eyes opened as she raised her upper body supported by her elbows leaving the white blanket fall from her naked breasts.

Jon Stark sat naked in the black leather couch cleaning his old favorite gun, 'Ghost.'

"Come back here," she invited him.

Ignoring her invitation, he said, "We're leaving in awhile. Get dressed."

She stood up and walked towards him interrupting his fiddling with Ghost by sitting on his lap. "Where to?"

Jon finally met her eyes, "Dragonstone."

Ygritte was perplexed. She hasn't been to Dragonstone before. Her accounts were mainly in Essos. "And you're taking me?"

"You have to meet your future accounts. The Dragon Mob is the largest gang in Westeros."

Placing her arms on his shoulders, she asked, "Are you saying I'm handling Westeros soon?"

"Yes. And Essos." He placed his gun on the gueridon and put his hands on her hips. "After meeting the Dragon, you will head to Tumbleton and offer Podric Payne a chance to expand to Essos but in one condition, of course."

Ygritte couldn't help but show her happiness. This meant he trusted her and it was so close to the idea of him loving her that her heart warmed.


The silver-haired man smiled and propped his legs on his desk as he fingered the newly-designed lethal weapon that could obliterate people into thin air by a laser-like bullet propelled by its trigger. "It's surprisingly lightweight."

"It's body is made from carbon fiber." Jon Snow walked around the Dragon's office and eyed the Targaryen family portraits on the wall. "The shooter can move faster and can accurately aim on target."

"Name your price, Snow." Viserys cockily and playfully aimed the gun towards Jon's direction.

"Your sister." He casually said without hesitance.

Ygritte turned to him, eyes widened with vexation. The girl who gave him those scars?

"Daenerys?" Viserys was taken aback. "She is my current heir."

"I am well aware of that." Jon never left his stare at the portrait of the silver-haired goddess.

"Is this like the old days, an alliance fortified by my sister's hand in marriage?" Viserys laughed at his own amusement.

"What?" Ygritte shrieked, displeasure dominating her expression. "Why?"

"So the wildling does speak?" Viserys mumbled.

"Jon, you're selling our millions worth of gold coins for a Targaryen?" She ignored Viserys and turned to Jon.

Viserys boiled in anger. He stood up and pointed the rifle at her. "I'll have you know that a Targaryen is worth more than a billion of you, you worthless shit." Trying to calm himself down, he warned the redhead's boss, "Teach your wildling some respect, Snow or I'll have her burned alive this instance."

"Wait for me outside, Red." He spoke calmly to Ygritte who was still in utmost objection and confusion.

When she made her way out of the double doors, Snow marched forward and sat across Viserys's desk where Ygritte had been.

"You think I'm handing Daenerys over for a gun?" He smirked.

"Not one gun." Jon crossed his leg and yawned. "A hundred of it — enough to obliterate your enemies."

"Even the Tyrells? How do I know you're not selling the same thing to Olenna?" Viserys stood from his chair and walked towards the window that overlooks Blackwater Bay.

"If I have given them the same thing, this is your chance to even with them rather than losing to my creations." Talking to Viserys was a bore to him. The new Dragon was a pretentious simpleton. If it was his father, Aerys, he need not explain. "But truthfully, I haven't sold it anyone else."

"Do you take me as a fool, Snow? I know that." His dragon temper almost rising again but he managed to control it. "It's good to hear I am your first buyer, if not the only one who would use this. A thousand would do."

"A hundred." The white wolf's offer remained.

"Five hundred." Viserys lowered.

"A hundred." Jon almost lost his patience. "Last call."

"You must really like my sister or hate her for that matter. She's a beautiful prize," He grinned wide. "What do you plan on using her?"

"Would it matter to you?" He unspecified. Viserys didn't need to know. He only cares about himself and his Dragon Mob.

"She hasn't returned in two years. You can't find her if she doesn't want to be found." Viserys finally voiced his worry that the deal might not proceed with his sister's absence.

"I have a plan." Jon closed his eyes waiting for it to be over.

"And if you won't find her still?" He had to make sure.

"The hundred is still yours." Telling him what he wanted to hear.

"Deal!" Viserys almost jumped, pleased to think Jon Snow just gave it all for free.


In the black of night, Stormborn watched the wildling and her bodyguards pacing to a junkyard near Bitterbridge in the middle of the night.

She still suspects I'm following her, she thought as she led her to nowhere. She needs more time.

"Daenerys," a familiar voice spoke through her earpiece.

"Missandei?" She whispered, surprised to hear her. "Where's the commander?"

"The commander doesn't want you to know this until you've completed your mission and I don't have much time," she muttered more to herself, worried.

"What is it?" Curious, her was chest pumping out of control. Something was wrong. She could feel it.

It took seconds before she delivered the news, "your brother's dead."


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