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"Viserys!" Dany, being dragged to the chopper, cursed her brother's name as he closed the gigantic wooden doors of the Great Sept of Baelor. What is happening?

The two guards pulled her arms behind her and handcuffed her wrists too tight for her own liking. Dany hissed as the metal scathed her skin.

She predicted what came next as they gripped her jaw open to forcefully jam a piece of cloth in her mouth and plastered duct tape on it to keep it shut.

Before they could fasten her legs together, Dany felt their grips loosen and saw her chance of escaping when one of her brother's henchman let go of her arm and went inside the chopper.

She stepped on the other henchman with her left foot and kicked him with her right straight to his face and ran as fast as she could before the man reached the ground.

But one surprised her — a jolt of electric shock paralyzed her body immediately that her consciousness was slowly dwindling away. Staring at the clear blue sky, a fiery figure clouded her sight and it smirked at her.

"This fookin' thing always does the trick for stubborn princesses," the Wildling shook her taser in front of Daenerys.

Dany's forehead creased as questions rushed to her thoughts instantly but her mind was now floating away, losing consciousness.


There is only one rational motive of why Viserys has captured me. I am the only one capable to take the mob from him. But why has he let Jon Snow's wildling finish the dirty deed? Nonetheless, I must proceed with my mission. But Dany knew it is impossible to do with her being apprehended and in no contact with the Order of the Seven. She needed to escape. But how?

"Wake up princess." A thick raspy accent followed by a splash of water distracted her from her train of thought. Her body started quivering as it registered the sudden drop of temperature that was intensified by her dampness.

Dany shifted herself on the floor of her jail cell — limbs bound, hair disheveled, dress ripped, taser wounds on her back inflamed caused by saltwater splattered on her. Salt water. Low temperature. Am I on a boat in the middle of the Shivering Sea?

"Good girl," Ygritte in her leather jacket, high waist skinny jeans and boots greeted her prisoner with a pail in hand.

Her boots click and clack on the metal flooring once she entered the cell complacently leaving the cage door open.

Daenerys shifted to a kneeling position in an instance with violet eyes piercing through her silver hair covering half of her face.

The wilding slowly peeled the duct tape off making her prisoner growl in infliction. Daenerys menacingly spat the damp cloth on Ygritte's boots.

"Bitch." She raised her hand and slapped Dany with the back of her palm. "These are my favorite pair."

A stinging sensation fell on her bottom lip. A cut manifested from the diamond ring on Ygritte's finger. It glistened through the gloom. It reminded her of her own. My ruby ring, where is it?
"Why am I here? What has my brother hired you for?"

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