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"You're alright after all, Snow."

His head tilted to the side where her warm hand is and closed his eyes to blur out everything else apart from her touch. "Dance with me." He murmured.

"What?" The request took her aback. It sounded more of a silly command that a chuckle went past her pink lips.

"I saw how fond you were dancing to that outrageous song." His glossy lids opened to a softly lit pair of black irises. He placed his hand over hers. "This could be one of your many future hobbies."

She took her hand back and curled shyly. "I'm not really good at—"

"Dance with me." He was on his feet in a second, his eyes beckoning her to take his hand waiting for hers.

"There's no music, Jon." She hesitated, biting her lip from giggling. The butterflies on her tummy were on a rampage and it frightened her to the possibility of vomiting.

But Jon was insistent as he held her up when she finally gave in and hummed a tune of a popular old love song.

"This is silly." She chuckled, a bit anxious and uncomfortable at the close proximity when Jon placed her arms over his shoulder.

But he continued humming deeply to the soft gradual melody as he rested both hands on her tiny waist. The sensation made her shudder in smitten fascination.

Their smiles and laughs by the candlelight was mixed with coyness and innocence as they smoothly swayed from side to side.

It was just what they needed–drowning everything with awkwardness till there was nothing left but the song playing in their ear.

Take my hand,
Take my whole life, too.
For I can't help,
Falling in love with you.

There was silence and it was satisfyingly calm as he pulled her close—his chin settling on her silver head which rested on his chest inhaling his cool scent.

They imaginatively conjured music playing in the background that Jon need not hum any further. It was quiet and simply beautiful.

"Jon?" She whispered on his chest.


"Why are you doing all this?"

He chuckled at the broad query. "Ask again."

"Fine." She grinned burying her face to his chest and thought of another. "Why would you risk your life for me?"

"Why do you have to ask that for?" He chuckled once more when he found her query absurd.

"You've been doing all these crazy things like kidnapping me, going on expeditions for a hundred year old sword, saving my life and now, dancing with me. What is it all for?" She mumbled feeling his heartbeat steady and calm as he always has been.

Pulling her arms from him to look her in the eyes, his expression was filled with amused annoyance. "For the nth time, it wasn't a kidnapping. And hasn't it been obvious that I like you, Daenerys? Very much so." His face softened into a sweet truthful smile.

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