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I have to alter the end of the last chapter. No worries, I'm not taking out Nikki's contribution ;) lol No way :) But I was very tired last night while I was writing the chapter and honestly forgot that I need the chapter to end a different way so I can set up a scene in the upcoming chapter. I will mark the chapter as 'revised' once I make the adjustments and also post a note at the top of the next chapter as a reminder. It will only be the final piece that's altered, so you don't have to re-read the entire chapter. Unless you want to lol.

Anyway, just wanted to give you a heads up :) I should have the revised piece as well as the new chapter up sometime tonight - if all goes well :) lol

ALT. NOTE: Don't be too hard on Todd about his anxieties and fears about 'coming out'. Keep in mind that he was raised by a severely manipulative and abusive mother who caused him much emotional and psychological damage. Also, I'd like to remind you again, that all these events are happening in a relatively short period of time. It just seems longer to us because of how long the story has been in progress. So, in reality, it would probably actually take Lane and Todd both much, much longer than these couple days to come to terms with the new reality of who they are. So, try to understand their reluctance to jump out in the open and announce their "gayness", even if they are accepting of it in private :) They'll get there, in time :)

- A.M. Snead

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