The Unsaid

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The Unsaid,

the words I keep down, mute them out

because sometimes I realize they are bad

or selfish or just unacceptable to myself,

So, I pretend to not have felt

I try to ignore them

Dismissing their existence

Labeling them as delusions

No, I couldn't have felt it

So, I shove them down

hide them under pile of other feelings

till it's no more felt.

A temporary solution.

The temporary resurface

as soon as it spots a weakness

Digs it's way out of the pile

come and clutch my heart tight

making it pound louder than before.

The unsaid doesn't mean not felt or not ignored

the feeling never leaves even if it's still unacceptable and not admitted

No matter how much you weigh them down with reasons

they still exist, silent, and waiting

for their chance to weigh you down

with their burdened ignored self's. 


I don't know if I make much sense in this, but "the unsaid" is every feeling we are too afraid to admit, words we don't say as they might hurt someone, a sorry feeling, a guilt feeling, a love feeling or a hate feeling that our logical minds refrain to follow. 

So I think everyone will have a different feeling to relate to, may be, if anyone reads it though. Thanks for your time. 

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