Chapter 8

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My two days have come and past. I couldn't help but do a little around the house. Most the time I would follow Mey-Rin around, and list all the things a maid would do. Or I'd help Finny in the garden and try to show Baldroy how to cook without dynamite. Now I was helping to set up for the ball. Mey-Rin and I were cleaning the main entrance when the young master called for me. "(Y/n), the young master calls for you." Sebastian said from the top of the stairs. "Oh ok coming!" I walked up the stairs. I met up with Sebastian, but he just glared at me. Oh my, was I in trouble? Maybe I did something wrong. I mean over the past two days he has gotten more sour around me. "Hmm." I kept thinking, worrying my ass of as I followed Sebastian to Ciels study.

Sebastian's P.O.V
I just glared at (y/n) as she walked up the stairs. I've been watching her for the past days she's been her, and I figured it out. She's very unnatural to say the least. The way she works, interacts with the other workers. She's definitely not human. Even Pluto seems to think so. I'll have to warn the young master about us having one of them. She's probably working for Ash, or Angela for that matter. They're always up to no good. We made it to the masters door and I knocked. "Come in."
He said in his usual tone. We both entered. "Good afternoon young master, I brought (y/n) like you asked." "Excellent." He responded pushing aside some papers. "(Y/n) I wanted to talk to you about my newest case. It seems we have a murder on the lose, and I need you to help stop him." She looked up with wide eyes. "You want me to help you? Of course I will, but what exactly do you need me for?" "I'll need you as bait. To lure him in for us." She thought for a while. "Of course young master, anything to help." She stood up and curtsied. Ceil nodded then looked at me. "You may be excused now Sebastian, I'm very busy. Oh and can you make me some tea?" He said as he started shuffling through his papers. "Yes my lord." I said as I bowed. I opened the door and (y/n) and I exited the room.

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