Chapter 10

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When we rounded the corner and were farther away from the masters study, I was violently pushed against the wall. "S-Sebastian?!" I questioned fearfully. I looked him I the eye and was frightened by what I saw. His eyes shone a bright pink. Just like a demon. "Y-you're a demon!" He gave a devilish smirk. "So you've noticed." "I knew there was something off with you!" I said in his face. "As the same for you. What do you want, Angel? If you are here with the intent of hurting my master, I swear I will demolish you." You could not believe it. Of course you lied, but you couldn't believe he just assumed you came here to hurt Ciel. It made you furious.

~your P.O.V
"Do you want to know why I came here? Why I came to earth in the first place?" I said Angrily. "Spit it out angel." He said, his eyes glowing with impatience.  "I was thrown out of heaven ok! There I said it." I spat back at him. I used to strong, noble, I all had peace with all the other angels. However, they all turned on me They back stabbed me just because I was doing what I thought was right." I started crying as I remembered all the pain I was put through. "You see, I-I brought in people who asked for forgiveness. They deserved it. There was a young boy, t-the last one I brought in that killed a horrible man. He was trying to save his mother. He was hurt in the process and died shortly after."

I lowered your head, remembering the courageous young boy. "He was going to be damned, and no one was going to do any thing for him. So I did." I said in an almost whisper. "So if you think I'd ever work under the commands of the angels wrong! Wrong I tell you!" I started squirming to get away. "I hate all the angels, I'll never forgive them" I tried fighting Sebastian, but he just let me go. I looked at him for a second, then I ran crying to my room.

Sebastian's P.O.V

"Well she doesn't seem to be lying. That was one hell of a back story, I must inform young master about this immediately." I turned from watching (y/n) run away and headed back to the young lords study. 

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