Chapter 28

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You both laid in your bed 'til morning, holding each other with bare arms, talking the night away. Once the Sun began to rise over the horizon, Sebastian began to stir.  "I really must get going to the Lord." He said aloud getting up and retrieving his clothes.

"I suppose its around that time of day. Youre just so warm~" You replied, reluctant to get out of bed. You laid there a few moments more, then got up to retrieve your articles of clothing as well. Sebastian watched your body leave the bed, and kept his eyes on you as you changed back into your dress. As you finished you looked up at Sebastian who was already laying his eyes upon you. You gave his a questioning look almost as to say "what?" with facial expressions alone. He just smiled and and straightened his waist coat.

"We should be on our way, dear." He looked back at you. You smiled up at him, grabbing his hand as you walk out the door. You both headed down to the kitchen where  you prepared breakfast, as he got the tea. Later the rest of the crew headed down and prepared the dining hall for the Earls arrival.

As you finished up in the kitchen, you heard a set of tired foot steps make there way towards you and past to the dinning hall. You instantly knew who it was and followed shortly behind him. As the young Earl got seated, you came in with his food and served him. After setting the plates down in front of the hungry boy, you took your place besides Bard at the side of the room. You noticed that Ciel looked rather tired, despite his early bed time the night before. You decided to bring it up in conversation.

"Excuse me, young lord, but you look rather tired. Did you sleep well last night?" You looked towards him waiting for an answer. The boy slowly lifted his head, giving his response.

"As a matter of fact I did not." He sad flatly. "There was this awful noise last night, almost like a bang if I had to describe it." You imedietly looked up at Sebastian and exchanged a nervous glance with one another. "I still have no idea what it could've been." Ciel sat still pondering. "There must be something broken in the house. I'll get Sebastian to check it out later."

"Thank goodness." You said to yourself relieved as the Earl finished his meal. 

"(Y/N), Sebastian." You both looked up at the master. "I have important business I need to discuss with you today, so please meet me when you are done with your duties for the day." You felt excited as there was possibly something other then cleaning you could do for the young earl.

"Yes my lord." You said enthusiastically. Ciel glared at you for your response. "He must not be in a very good mood this morning."  You thought to yourself.

                                                                                ~time skip~

You finished cleaning and made your way up to Ciels study. You got to the large doors and nocked twice, letting your arrival be known. you heard a rather bored "come in" from the other side of the door. once you entered Ciel put his papers down and both Ciel and Sebastian looked your way.

"(Y/N) I've received some news from the queen about some shady business going on in France." He said looking at you whilst taking a sip of his tea. "I assume you can fill me in on some of the details, and possibly tell me whats going on." You gave his a confusing look.

"I'm sorry sir, but I don't quite know what your talking about." You stated confused. He cleared his throat, preparing to explain the situation. "There apparently have been numerous disappearances in Paris these past few weeks, Mainly married women and small children." You nodded, signaling for him to continue. "I've heard from my other sources however, that a group of angels may be heavily involved in this." At first you seemed shocked. Then angry. You knew exactly who was causing all of this trouble.

"Dammit." You cussed aloud. "How could he?" This spiked Ciels interest. 

"So you must know then who may be involved in this?" You nodded, swallowing the lump in your throat. You never wanted to mention him again. You hated him more then anything else, after all, he was the man who betrayed you.

"I'm sorry to say that I might, my lord" you continued nervously. "have you ever heard of someone by the name of  Ash Landers?" There was really no change in Ciels expression, however, you could notice the change in Sebastian's eyes immidetly. As soon as the words rolled off your tongue, his eyes darkened into a crimson red you've never seen before. It frightened you immensely. 

"I've never heard of this man, care to explain how you know him?" you knew Ciel was just curious, and kind of needed to know, but you didn't want to tell him. 

"W-well, he and I used to be friends." You lied. "We used to do missions together, however, I did something against angel code. So he and the others turned their backs on me." You stared down at you feet. "Ciel sat there in his seat not talking, but I could tell his mind was racing with thoughts. 

"I see." he said seemingly still lost in his mind. "well anyways (Y/N), the other thing I wanted to tell you is that next week we'll be traveling to Paris." you looked up in shock. "I know that you probably don't want to do this, but I'll need you there with Sebastian and I. That's an order." You hesitantly nodded your head once more, then bowed showing your loyalty.

"Yes my lord."

"You may leave now." You lifted your head and turned to the door, opening it quietly. Surely if the three of you ran into Ash, they would find out the truth about your past. All the horrible things you did to humans thinking you were in the right. But you had a horrible gut feeling about something even worse. What would everyone think about you being past lovers. What would Ciel think?

But most importantly, what would Sebastian think?

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