Chapter 17

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Sebastian and I made it just in time to greet the first guest. There were more people then I thought coming tonight, but I guess this was just normal. I felt very awkward when people would walk by and just stare at me. But I always felt comforted by mey-rin because she was standing next to me. After a while when the people got acquainted with one another, they started dancing to beautiful music. As I was serving the people I couldn't help but sway a little as I walked. Of course the music was lovely, Sebastian was playing it. I chuckled to myself. Then I ran into the young master. "Hello young master, are you enjoying yourself?" I ask kindly.

"Not even the slightest. I have so much work to get done, this is just waste of my time." I frowned a bit.

"Well I'm sorry young master." He started to walk away but then turned around.

"By the way (y/n) you haven't happen to see a young blond girl have you?" A almost worried expression appeared on his face.

"No sir I haven't seen any girls that lo-."

"CIELLL!!!" I heard a squeal come from behind me. Ciels face went from worried to scared.

"E-Elizabeth!" Before I could respond I saw a flash of pink run by me and grab Ciel spinning him in circles.

"Ciel I've been looking for you everywhere! Where were you?"

"Hiding from you." I heard him mumble under his breath.

"Well come one Ciel let's go dance!" Then the young girl pulled Ciel through the crowd disappearing.

"Oh poor Ciel." I thought to myself. "Now I kinda know what they mean." I laughed to myself and continued serving.

After dancing people started leaving. When everyone was gone we all started cleaning around. We brought in all the dishes to the kitchen and picked up garbage. I was the only one left in the dim lit ballroom. I was just sweeping around, I don't really need to sleep anyways. I was just sweeping the dirt of the ground when I heard some footsteps behind me. "Miss. (Y/n) why are you still cleaning?" I turned around to see Sebastian.

  "Hello Sebastian. I was just making less work for tomorrow. But I sent the others to bed, it was getting late." I kinda chuckled to myself as I remembered seeing the others in a tired state.

"Well I am sorry I was not able to be more of a help." I looked up.

"Oh no it's ok Sebastian, you had to deal with the young master. Besides we could handles this, or else what kind of servants would we be?" He laughed a bit.

"True, although sometimes those guys can make a bigger mess then anticipated." We both laughed a bit then Sebastian looked at me seriously. "(Y/n) I know you were upset today about not dancing." I looked at him surprised.

"H-how did you know Sebastian!?" He smiled gently.

"I just know, dear (y/n). Your facial expressions are very easy to read." I blushed and looked down.

"R-really? It's that obvious." Then I thought for a moment. "Wait you've been watching me?!" Sebastian nodded.

"Indeed." Then he walked up to me and took the broom out of my hand. "I knew you were here alone (y/n), that's why I came here to ask you. Would you like to dance?" He bowed gracefully and stuck out his hand.

"Sebastian.." I took his hand hesitantly. As soon as I took his hand it was like I was swept off my feet. He looked at me and I looked at him. Despite the lack of music and people, it was the best dance I ever had. I felt like we were floating on air. "Y-you must forgive me Sebastian, for and Angel I'm not very good at dancing." I looked down and blushed a little.

"My dear (y/n) there is no need to worry. You are the best dancer I've ever seen." I was shocked by his sudden compliment.

"W-why thank you Sebastian." We danced beautifully for a while longer, then stopped. "Thank you for the dance Sebastian, I've been longing to do that for a while." I shyly smiled at him.

"It was my pleasure, dear (y/n)." He bowed slightly and lifted my hand to his lips. I curtsied and started to walk away, but then Sebastian grabbed my hand before I could leave. "(Y/n), before you go I need to tell you something." I turned fully around to him.

"What is it Sebastian?" When I asked I swear I saw a dust of pink on his cheeks.

"(Y/n) when I first saw you.. I thought you would be troublesome for me. But I turned out to be very wrong." I just continued to give him a questioning look. "Everyone here in the phantohive manor has fallen in love with you (y/n).. even me." When he said that my whole face went red.

"S-Sebastian?!" As I said that I was pulled into an embrace by the handsome demon. I looked up at him, burning up with my hands on his chest.

"My dear (y/n), I think I've fallen for you." I stood there shocked for a moment. The demon butler has confessed his feeling to me. An angel.

"B-but Sebastian, I am an angel."

"Yes but you have fallen, just like I have for you." It is true. I wouldn't have to follow rules since I am no longer a holy angel.


"yes my dear?" I brought myself closer to him.

"I.. I love you too." It was true. I slowly felt myself fall for the demon every day. I just never realized until now. We looked at each other and slowly grew closer together. Our lips were just brushing against each other when he closed the gap. We kissed. And unlike our fake one this one had passion and lust, and a feeling I never felt before. True love.

Uhhh sorry that one took forever guys. I know I promised it a couple days ago, but I got really busy with the holidays and traveling. I also had some really bad writers block. But anyways I might take a short break to plan things out a bit more after this, but I'll update as soon as I can. Thanks for bearing with me lol!

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