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Your POV

(E/n) brought you your drinks but you're still waiting for your food. Teresa went to the restroom so its just you and shane. Shane hasn't really said anything since he met your ex. You lean in and kiss his cheek. He looks at you and smiles. He kisses your lips as (e/n) brings your food. Shane holds your hand tightly. You get your salad, Teresa gets her Pasta, and Shane gets his steak. You all dig in starting to eat.
Once you are all finished you take Teresa home. We pull up to the house. Uno meets us at the door. Shane takes your hand pulling you to the couch. You cuddle as an episode of Big Brother comes on. Shane quietly stares at the television. "Babe are you okay?" you ask look in at him. "Yeah." he says not looking at you. "Shane?." you say softly. He ignores you. "Shane?" you say again. He again ignores you. "What the fuck is wrong with you!?" you scream. "Nothing!" he yells back. "Cleary there's fucking something!" you yell. Shane just lets out a sigh and gets up. He walks to the bedroom. Tears fall from your face. You pick up a pillow and hurl it toward the coffee table. Uno climbs on the couch as you set down.
You cry into him. He licks away your tears. You smile slightly and pet his head. You hear something shatter upstairs. Uno rushes to the noise. You follow him. When you get upstairs you see Shane with tears falling from his eyes. You see a smashed vase on the floor.
He looks at you. You look at him. You walk over to each other. Before you can apologise Shane kisses you. He holds your hand tightly. When he pulls away you embrace him. "I'm sorry." He whispers in your ear. You kiss his stubbled Jaw line and down his neck. He leans his head back letting you have full control. You tug at his shirt. He takes it off. You smile and kiss him again.
He shoves you on the bed. You giggle as he kisses all over your face. He then pulls your shirt off. Shane kisses your neck leaving a love bite. You Kiss him again. He force's his tongue into your mouth.
------ The next day ----------------
Sun peaks through the window,Shane's arm is wrapped tightly around your waist. Things seem a little brighter today, despite the fact that it's raining. You slip out of bed and slide on some clothes.
You walk to the kitchen and start to make breakfast. As your preparing the eggs there was a knock at the door. You rush to open it. Joey and Daniel stand there. "Hi Guys!" you say a little to loudley. They laugh a "Hello." Joey starts to vlog as you make more food. Shane walks out in a t-shirt and shorts. He gives you a swift kiss and walks out to Joey and Daniel. You hear them laugh. You bring Shane a bowl of eggs and bacon. "Do you guys want anything?" You ask. "I think I'll take some water." Daniel says walking to the kitchen. "I'm okay, thanks Y/N." Joey says. You grab a bowl of food for yourself and walk to the living room. You sit next to Joey but Shane pulls you closer to him. You look and him, he gives you a small smile. You give him a small kiss. You pull away smiling, then take a  bite into your food. Daniel comes out with a bottle of water. He sits next to Joey. Shane let's Uno out of his cage. He runs and jumps on you, licking your face. "Uno!" You laugh.
Everyone starts to laugh. He then takes a piece of your bacon. "Son of a bitch." you laugh. Shane looks at you and stuff a piece of bacon in your mouth. You laugh and finish your food. After taking the dishes to the kitchen and doing them, You decide to redress, Sliding into a crop top and leggings. Your scars are exposed but your comfortable. You throw your hair in a messy bun and wing your eyeliner, using a peach lip gloss . Shane walks in the bedroom. He plants a kiss on your jawline. You look at him. He looks at you. He wraps his arm around your waist.
You tangle your hands in his hair as he kisses you. You smile and pull away. "We have guest."You whisper. "Yeah, there making out in the kitchen." Shane laughs. "Oh,Okay." You laugh. "I love you Y/N." Shane says. Your very lurches. "I love you too Shane." You say. He loosens his arms around your waist.
You kiss him one last time as you walk to the kitchen. Shane was right. Joey and Daniel are going at it against the sink. You clear your throat.

Forever Is A Long Time  ( A Shane Dawson ~ Reader)Where stories live. Discover now