His Failing

223 13 1

Ciel's POV

It was the 9 week mark and what did my grades look like? Crap. They were terrible. I had one B, which in my algebra class. A C in my science class. And then 4 D's in French, English, History, and Digital Photography. Yeah, so that's how my shitty school life was going.

My alarm went off and, since I was up, I turned it off and walked into the bathroom. I turned on the water to the shower. I walk over the the sink and wash my face. The cabinet door was slightly open. My heart rate sped up. 'Did Angelia come in and look through my bathroom?' I shook my head no.

I finished washing my face and turned the water off to the sink. I look at the prison I hold my friends in. I grab it and grab a sliver foe. I winced at the pain I felt. I put the friendly foe back into it's prison.

I wash my body, and savouring the sting from the water rolling over my cut. I sigh and I turn the water off. I dry my body, with my aptly coloured black towel.


I walked into his classroom. It felt colder than it usually did, but I didn't say anything.

As I walked over to my desk, I noticed that Sebastian was staring at me. I felt my face go a little red. I put my bag down by my desk and walked to the front of the class. Sebastian started to walk away from his desk, which is where I was headed, and he went to the door. I stopped walking, thinking he was going to walk out. But, no. He had the same thing in mind. He shut the door and locked it.

"Ciel. We need to have a little, chat about your grades." He walked towards me. I sat down at my desk and he sat at the desk across from me.

"What happened? You were doing so well, and now it's going to shit." I nodded. I cant tell him. I cant tell him that i'm depressed to such a great amount the only thing I want to do is sleep and bleed.

"I have know idea what happened." I rolled up my sleeves and rested my head in my hands. His eyes widened and face went a green-pale colour. I was confused at first but then it shot through me.

I rolled my sleeves back down and crossed my arms. Sebastian got up from the desk and went to unlock the door. He walked back over to me with a folded piece of paper.

"Can you stay after school? I would like to talk about a plan to get your grades in better shape." I nodded, unable to look him in the eye. I took the piece of paper and opened it.

    I wanted to give you my number for a while now. Now I need to give it to you. If you are having any trouble please, talk to me. I will most likely be up when you are up. Thank you for being such a good student.
~ Sebastian Michaelis
(555) - 098 - 0666

I swallowed hard. Shit, this isn't good.


The last bell rang, signalling that students were free from the prison in which the law held them in. I pulled my back pack onto my back and snuck out of the classroom.

"Phew. Didn't get caught. Thank God, I really didn't want to have that conversation." I said stepping out to back door. I felt something pull me back pack and pull me back into the school. Fuck.

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