Chapter 2

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chapter 2

(Santana's P.O.V.)

After what Quinn had told me I left her house to clear my head and think so I just walked around town all night because i didn't want to go back to her house yet and I couldn't go to my house beause I told my parents I was sleeping over at her house.

The next morning I went back to Quinn's house. I rang the doorbell and she answered it. When she opened the door she seemed relived then angry. " Where the hell did you go off to last night !", Quinn said angrliy at Santana. "Well after the bombshell you dropped on me I had to go somewhere to clear my head you know ." ' Santana said. "We stayed up all night waiting for you to come back we had no clue where you had wondered off to." , Quinn said

" I'm sorry I worried you guys I just needed some time alone by myself for a little while.", Santana said.

Quinn let Santana in and they sat down in the living room and talked for a few hours. They talked about what Quinn's options were and in the end she decided she wanted to keep the baby and raise it even if that meant she was all alone she didn't care. The girls heard people moving around upstairs , Quinn thought it was her parent so she went upstairs they saw that Brittany and Rachel were already awake.

Brittany and Rachel decided they wanted some breakfast it was 11 am so more like lunch but needless to say the two girls went downstairs and started preparing breakfast. The girls fixed Bacon, Eggs , Toast, Pancakes , and Orange juice . After all four girls had finished their breakfast they all headed back upstairs.

Brittany, Quinn, and Santana had Cheerios practice so they had to get ready to go to practice. Brittany and Santana packed up their things and left. Not long after they left Rachel packed up her things and she left. Quinn had to get ready for practice which she was dreading. She really wasn't in the mood tis morning to hear Coach Sylvester screaming at her for small things that she and the other Cheerios did wrong, either way she got ready and went out the door.

She went to Brittany's house and then to Santana's house to give them a ride to practice. And so began what Quinn didn't know would be one of the worst Cheerios practices in her entire life.

(the end so what do u guys think do u like it :) ( by the way i don't own anything associated with glee)

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