Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

When Quinn and the girls got to practice that day Coach Sue had a suprise for them. The editor of Cheerleader Monthly was there this was a big deal and the girls knew it so they knew today they had to be on their best behavior and needed to do everything the best that they could so they started their daily practice routine. They did all their warm - ups and stretches and then began their practice. They were doing a simple routine tol begin with then they were going to make it more and more complicated. When they finished the routine the first time they did the more complicated one when disaster struck. The girls set up the routine once more and one of the girls missed one step and threw everyone out of sync they were tossing each other in the air, doing cartwheels and every other move you can think of when one girl messed up and caused the girls that were tossing somebody in the air to trip and fall , the girls doing cartwheels fell on top or one another and then everything was so messed up there was no way they could recover.

Sure enough a week later Cheerleader Monthly released their new issue. The front cover said Who's has the worst cheerleading team in Ohio , none other than the Cheerios of William Mckinley High School. Needless to say Coach Sue was furious, their was no way she would ever trust them again. The next few days were horrible they had to do routine after routine and if they messed up even once she told them that whoever messed up would be kicked off the Cheerios forever NO EXECPTIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

( sorry that this chapter was short the next one will be longer. once again i don't own anything associated with glee.)

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