Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

The next day at school it was almost the end of the day but there were two more classes left before the school day was over.For Quinn and Sam their class next period was glee club and it was the Same for all the other people in glee club. Sam and Quinn walked through the door to the choir room hand in hand , Quinn was glad that Sam took the news so well. The couple walked over to their seats and sat down, not long after they sat down every body else started coming into the classroom. Mr. Shue was the last person to enter the room as always he was in his office like he was everyday. " this week's assignment is going to be ballads, and before you ask , yes i will let you pick your partners.", Mr. Shue announced. Every body partnered up. Of course Sam chose Quinn. Brittany chose Santana. Rachel chose Finn. Kurt chose Mercedes. Puck chose Lauren. Artie chose sugar and Mike picked Tina. Their assignment was to pick a song that expressed how they felt about their partner for the assignment. Everybody was talking to their partner trying to come up with a song to sing everybody but Quinn and Sam. Sam knew exactly what song he was going to sing to Quinn he decided he wanted to sing the song "I'll stand by you" because he thought that described how he felt for Quinn at this moment. That evening they met in the auditorium." What did you want me here for ? ", Quinn asked Sam.

Sam Sang his song to her and she clapped. "That was wonderful Sam."

"I want you to know I have a doctors appointment in about 2 hours you can come if you want to , I figured since it was the first one you might want to come." Quinn said . " of course I want to come, text me when you are ready to go and I'll pick you up and take you to your appointment." Sam said.

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