Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

The rest of the week went by flawlessly Quinn couldn't believe that her and Sam were going to get married. Today was Friday tonight Sam was coming over for dinner she couldn't wait. This was only the second time her parents had even met Sam. She got up out of bed and got ready for school this afternoon she had practice so she wouldn't be getting home until around 4:30. So she grabbed her things and drove to school when she got there she met up with Sam in the hallway." How are you and the babies?" He asked." All three of us are fine." She said with a smile on her face. " are you ready for tonight?" She asked Sam

" I guess so" Sam said "I'm a little nervous." " that's ok so am I ." She said. The school day went by quickly and then Quinn had Cheerios practice. After practice she drove home. Sam waited on her to get home because he knew she was scared so he waited at her house for her to get there. When she got there she didn't think her parents were home because only her dads car was there and it was always there. They walked through the door and Quinn heard her parents talking." Quinn can you please come here we need to talk to you about something." Quinn's mom said. She walked into their living room with Sam. " me and your father need to talk to you ALONE" Quinn's mom said. "No mom anything you can say to me alone you can say in front of Sam. " Quinn said " would you like to explain to me why your father and I got a bill for an ultrasound under your name." Quinn's mom said. Crap Quinn thought , I'm busted. "Is there something you want to tell us Quinn?" Quinn's father asked " I think you both already know and dad I Hate to break it to you but mom found out at the begging of this week."Quinn said . " you knew about this and didn't say nothing about it to me." Quinn's dad screamed at her mom. " yes I did and I didn't tell you because I knew you would react this way."Quinn's mom said . "I think we should go." Sam said. "No your not leaving here with my daughter it's your fault shes in this situation."Quinn's dad yelled " daddy it's not all his fault it's mine to you know." Quinn said as tears started streaming down her face. GET OUT OF MY HOUSE , I NEVER WANT TO SEE YOUR FACE EVER AGAIN!" Quinn's dad screamed at her. "Hey don't you dare talk to my fiancée that way!" Sam said as he decked her father right across the face knocking him out. After that happened sam decided it was best for them to get out of there before things got worse.

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