Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Later that afternoon it was almost time for Quinn's doctors appointment her first doctors appointment she was nervous not only because it was her first appointment but because It was now Tuesday and she only had 3 days left until Sam came over. She was nervous because she was afraid he might slip up and accidentally clue them off about the baby in some way. The doorbell rang it was Sam. Quinn opened the door and walked out to Sam's car and got in." So are you ready to see our little baby?", Sam said. " yea I think so I've just been wondering what will happen when they have to bill somebody for this appointment what if my parents see the bill before I can break the news to them."Quinn said . "Sweetie I don't think that will happen I think by the time they mail out the bill your parents are already going to know about the baby." Sam replied. "I hope so" Quinn said . They pulled into the parking lot and got out of the car and went into the waiting room and signed in , not long after that a nurse came out the door and called Quinn's name and led them to their room . " just sit down on the table the doctor should be in with you in a minute." The nurse said. About 10 minutes later the doctor came in and told Quinn to lie back on the table. The doctor squirted the ultrasound gel onto her stomach and was moving the ultrasound machine around trying to get a picture. " well what do we have here?" The doctor said. Which worried Quinn and Sam both. " is there something wrong with the baby? " they said in unison. "You mean babies." The doctor said " what are you talking about "they said. "You're having twins", the doctor said. "Twins" Quinn said with terror in her voice.

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