chapter 4

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The next day at school was by far one of the worst days of school ever Quinn felt horrible.

When she was in her first period class which she had with Santana and Brittany she was really lightheaded but she just brushed it off considering she didnt eat much that morning she knew that wasn't a good thing but she didn't really have time of the mornings to eat breakfast so she always grabbed whatever she could find before going out the door and headng off to school. When Quinn got to second period she figured the dizziness would subside but she was wrong as the day dragged on Quinn felt worse and worse. By the time that it was the end of the day Quinn had been making hourly trips to the bathroom.

When she got home both her parents were home from work which was unusual for this time of day, of course she panicked first thing she thought they were home because of her, she thought they were home because they had found out her secret. When she walked through the door she saw her parents sitting in the living room and they were watching tv and having a really good time. She thought she was off the hook so she didn't say anything to them and just went straight upstairs to her room. She wasn't upstairs for very long before she heard her father say " Quinn , come down here we need to talk to you ." "Oh, crap." , Quinn thought , "They do know ."

Quinn headed downstairs and accepted her fate. "There you are Quinny.", Quinn's mom said. "We just wanted to let you know that we invited that boy you are dating over for dinner Friday night." "Awesome.", Quinn said sarcastically. she couldn't believe that they had invited Sam over for dinner and that he had accepted the invitation, of course she hadn't told Sam about her situation yet, she acctually hadn't told anyone but Brittany, Santana and Rachel. She was going to have to face the music and tell Sam before the dinner. She decided the next day at school she would break the news to him.

( i dont own anything from glee )

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