chapter 1: Mission

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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Naruto characters- they all belong to masashi kishimoto. However I do own the plot to this story.

A new mission. Great right? seems as though team Seven's charge can't keep his hands,or perverted eyes off their pink teamate.


The sun shone as bright as it always had during the summer in Konoha.
Shinobi and civilians got on with their day alike.

In the training grounds, team 7 took shade in the trees from the heat. "When will kakashi-sensei get here?I'm hungry, its so warm,and I want ramen!" The obnoxious, blonde knuckle-head ninja complained. Yep, the one and only: Naruto Uzumki!

A huge vein popped out of sakura's large forehead. It was probably the 50-70-no wait- 100th time Naruto had asked that question and it began to irritate her. "Shut up Naruto!" She couldn't blame him though. They had been waiting for their sensei to come for about 3 hours or more. She sent a small glance at the unfazed uchiha.

Leaning cooly against the bark, Sasuke seemed as though he couldn't care less. But in reality, he had been mentally strangling his sensei. Irritation sparked within him. If he didn't come within- his thoughts were interupted when a puff sound came from behind them.

"Heyo." The copy cat nin casually said. Before Naruto and Sakura could say their usual 'your late! He put his hand up and said, "I have a reason for being late." A wide grin formed on their sensei's face.

Naruto squinted his eyes, "oh what is it this time? A black Cat? An old lady? Or that perverted book that you shamelessly read in public?"

Kakashi's eyes widened and he gasped in shock. "It is not perverted! It's merely words, that create a highly suggestive graphic-" before Kakashi could even finish, the trio-more like only Sakura and Naruto pulled a nasty face and covered their ears.

For Sasuke, he'd already blocked his ears by putting chakra in them. Smart move-especially when your sensei is a pervert.

"Alright," Kakashi surrendered,putting his hands up to show he truly was. Only then did Sasuke unblock his ears and Naruto and Sakura uncover their ears. "We have a new mission." Immediently Naruto jumped up with goofy grin. "Is it S rank mission? Do we have to fight?"

Kakashi shook his head, "it's an escort mission," He began to scratch the back of his neck nervously and looked at Sakura. "I don't think it would be best if Sakura came."

Naruto protested, "Why sensei?! Sakura has to come! I can't stand teme!"
"Hn. Dobe."

A crackle of electricity sparked between them. Before they could have an all-out spar, Kakashi intervened. Sakura was hurt and a little angry. After all the hard work and training with Tsunade,was she still a useless, pathetic kunoichi that needed to be protected?

"Why kakashi-sensei?" Sakura tried not to sound to disappointed. "I've become strong-I can prove it! Let me use Naruto as an example!" Naruto's eyes became wide as saucers. "Why me?!" He cried anime tears, whilst hiding behind his Sensei.
"It's not that Sakura, you most certainly are strong." Kakashi reassured the pinkette. "It's the charge...." he mumbled.

"Whats wrong with the charge Sensei?" Naruto asked, curiously.
"Well....he's a pervert..." Kakashi mumbled.

Sasuke looked at his sensei as if he had grown two heads. "Why can't the other team's do this mission then?"
"Well they're all doing missions,and the jounins, including myself, have a very important mission to do as well.
Sakura are you sure you still want to be part of this mission?" He looked at the pinkette.

Sakura nodded her head. "Of course." Her celadon eyes burning with determination.

Kakahsi sighed."well it's settled then. Pack your stuff within a day. Tomorrow your mission starts."


Yeah I know,it's terrible bla, bla.
But it'll get better....eventually ^-^

Votes and comments are greatly appreciated!

Btw,sorry for any grammer or punctual errors- this chapters unedited,hopefully I'll fix it up later.

[Edit: holy moly this book is a cringe fest *shudders* you have been warned]

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