Chapter 1: The day Everything changed

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West Dell High, where good memories go to die. Its also the only high school in the county of Amadia.

It was a Monday morning, the day everything changed for me. The sense of ease in my heart that usually came with gym class, left me altogether. Even walking along the usual trails, left me with no peace. The tall trees with their long branches, swayed in the breeze. Today, seeming more like long fingers, waiting to snatch me up in their grasp. Brushes of leaves, tickling my cheeks as I would pass, felt sharp and malignant. The forest itself appearing darker and grim. As though declaring an end of an era.

We didn't go back inside like, we should've. We remained, continuing class despite the dread permeating in the air. Now that I think about it, there had never been a reason for us to leave early. Not in West Dell High, up until this day. The day people began to realize the world is a dangerous place.

I didn't try to leave class either, like I should've. The trees and branches compelling me to stay instead of abandoning the class altogether. All the usual feelings, seemed to evade me, leaving me numb.

Lacey, my best friend, the only good thing in my life.

The icy paralysis, covering my heart, melted away with her concern for me. But as all good things end, a deep howl echoed like the sharp whistling of wind.

It was long, before everyone panicked, like people do in a crisis. Fear gripped my heart.

"Quiet Everyone! I'm going to call for help," the teacher announced.

Turning around to inform the main office they needed the local park rangers to come. As she turned back around, an enormous black wolf that snuck up on us, burst through the bushes.

I screamed as its huge body leveled at my chest with its startling blue eyes entrancing me. Darkness clung to its fur. I couldn't move, a compulsion kept me staring into its bright orbs. Spell-bound.

I didn't notice the sudden grip on my calf, until it was too late, my head hitting a decaying log. Blood spewed from the back of my head, mixing the dirt and mud that surrounded me. It didn't seem to sway the wolf from biting deeper into my leg.

I shrieked at the sheer pain of it, the effort to stay awake, becoming harder. Black spots flickered in my vision of my mangled leg. Blood encompassed me, electricity burning in my veins.

Even though, already drained of energy, I tried to move away from the wolf. The sound of the wolf growling over me, was all I could hear.

The faint shout from Lacey, filled me with hope of survival. Having forgot the rest of the class was still there, distracted by the pain.

Lacey managed to kick it away, distracting it. My body limp, paralyzed. She collapsed next to me, "Please don't die. Stay with me, you're going to be okay. Help is on the way," crying.

My eyes couldn't help but close, Lacey continued to cry, "Please don't die, please don't leave me."

I managed to muster enough strength to look at Lacey one last time. The image of electric blue eyes, engraved in my memory.

She shook me, sobbing.

"No!" Screaming.

I could only listen as my best friend screamed and cried for me. I didn't know if I would survive. The last thing I heard was the ambulance. At least what I hoped was the ambulance.

At that time, I hadn't been able to grasp what this would mean for me and my life, for my future. Only months later, would I understand, some things are truly beyond our control. Some things are meant to happen, whether we like it or not.


They say when you die, there's an all encompassing white light that greets you just before death. But I found myself in darkness. Luring me into its depth, enticing me. I perceived no pain, a type of freedom I've never known before.

The sensible part of me chose to run. Sensing nothing, but the consuming murkiness surrounding me. An deep void filled my heart. I kept moving, never staying in one place.

I was running for what seemed like hours, but could have been days, maybe even years. Growing comfortable in this darkness with each step I take, like another home. Yet throughout my running anxiety creeped up on me. The hairs on the back of my neck stood on end, leaving me paranoid.

Sometimes I could hear a voice, calling me to stop running, come back to the shadows. I'd yell, asking whose there, but there's no response. There's just me amidst the darkness. A profound loneliness gripped my heart, realizing how alone I truly was.

We all have a breaking point, and I broke. I stopped fleeing, beginning to believe this would be all I'll ever know. My past memories began to fade at the edges during my time in this nowhere land. For years the darkness had haunted me, tormented me, now I understand it. I'm no longer afraid of it, I enjoy it.

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