Chapter 2: Transition

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(The outfit up top is what she changes into)

Not sure how much time passed, having already been at ease in this place for a long time.

A white light that I had heard about, finally made its appearance. Already accustomed to being alone in pitch blackness and the quietness of it. Sounds of all sorts rang in my ears for the first time, unable to decypher them. I manage to open my eyes, after so long of having them closed, like muscles I haven't used before. Gasping, as if breathing was a new concept. Air flooded my lungs filling me with a weird sensation of labored breaths. My arms flailed around me trying to get my body to sit up. Seeing as I wasn't actually dead, like I thought.

My eyes tried to follow any movement that was in the same room with me. I found myself lying on a cot in what appeared to be a cabin. The smell of smoke and firewood filled my nose. The whistling of a kettle resonated throughout the room. My head throbbed at the thought of wondering where the hell I was. Forcing my eyes to focus as much as I could, seeing a shadowed figure in front of the fireplace. Hoping it was someone familiar--it wasn't. A middle-aged woman with golden curls felt my eyes on her back as she turned around to face me.

At once, she was by my side, "Dear, let me help you up."

I nodded, unsure how to use my voice again. She stuffed a couple more pillows behind my back so that I could sit up without falling backwards in the bed.

Coughing, the mysterious woman left, returning back with a glass of water. Holding my head as she poured the water into my mouth. The water soothing my dry, irritated throat. Setting the now empty glass on a table nearby, sat in a chair next to me. Ready to help at a moments notice. Turning my head to face her, my eyes blurred, clearing up a second later.

"Thank you, who are you?" My voice shaky and hoarse. Scaring me a little, not used to the way it sounded. Having been so long since I last spoke.

"My name is Lorraine, your Meghan, right?" She answered while cleaning my wounds.

I focused on the wet cloth, so used to being alone, I forgot I needed to reply, "Yes, how do you know my name?"

"When you were sleeping, I read your palms to see if I could get a name out--I did."

Ignoring the part about her reading my palms, "I thought I was dead."

"You suffered a severe brain injury, you were in a coma for 3 months. I know its hard to, waking up in a strange, unfamiliar place. But your safe and taken care of, that's what matters. For now you need to rest. I cleaned your wounds, now they just need to heal. Soon you'll be out of here in no time, but you need to be patient, okay? Get some sleep, dear."

Though I believed it would be hard, I was a asleep in seconds despite waking from a coma.

Minutes or hours later, without warning, a fire broiling inside me. My body burned, as though lit by a torch, replacing water with gasoline as if by mistake. Skin blistering as I sweated profusely. I was barely aware of my body convulsing. Focused on the pain and trying to breath. Feeling like someone was cutting off my air supply.

A haze covered my senses, I was unaware of my surroundings. Suddenly, a cold buzz was felt on my skin. The mysterious lady placing ice-cold wash cloths all over me. The cold spreading all over me, the pain fading less and less.


3 hours later

My eyes fluttered. Waking from sleep far easier than last time. I sat up with strength, far more than I should. Especially after waking from a coma just yesterday and with my injuries still healing. My nose was bombarded with smells I remember picking up on last time, but stronger now. The sight of everything appearing brighter and more defined. Sensory-overload.

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