Chapter 10: Descending

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I was walking through a hallway towards the History Classroom. Everything was cloudy; except me, the hallway, and the classroom. I crept closer, until I finally opened the door.

There, my teacher was sitting at his desk like usual. I walked over to a seat in front of him. There was something about him that seemed off. He was different compared to how he usually is. I sat in the chair, he looked up at me, giving me an evil smirk.

"Is there something wrong, Mr. Kutowski?"

"In fact there is a problem. I have been looking at your recent progress, and I have to say, I'm a bit disappointed with you."

"What do you mean? I have an A in this glass, I have good attendance, and I never show up late." I usually do show up late, but he didn't need to know that.

"What I'm talking about is not school related."

"Then, what are you talking about?"

He looked at me with that same evil smirk on his face. For an old guy, he's incredibly creepy.

All of a sudden, everything began to blur together. I was suddenly in some weird place. I was surrounded by white light again, like before. The light was almost blinding. I ran in all directions but, there was no way out. I heard birds chirping and heard the wind whistle through the air, then I woke up.

My eyes opened and I was surrounded by the glare of the sun. Me and Liam were still in our wolf forms. I looked behind me and smiled as Liam was still snuggling me. I moved my head closer to Liam's and licked his cheek. Quickly waking up, looking at me with his gorgeous eyes. The sunlight made his silver eyes look like chrome orbs with specks of grey around the iris. I gasped at how beautiful his eyes were and hid my face, me being awkward. I got up and started walking away, Liam had gotten up too and nudged my side with his body. He gave me a wolfish smirk, I nudged him back. Before long I ran away into the forest.

Liam chased after me, catching up fast. He tagged me with his tail, and I chased after him. We chased each other through the woods for an hour until we just tackled each other to the ground. Well, more like me tackling him to the ground if we're being honest. We unconsciously switched back to our human forms while we continued to stare into each others eyes. His eyes shined, like when the sun shimmers over the ocean. My eyes seemed to sparkle within the ruby red swirls.

We both got up and we just stood there in front of each other in silence, until Liam gave me another one of his big bear hugs.

"I missed you so much, I thought I was going to lose you," he mumbled into my hair.

"I missed you too, Liam. You can't get rid of me that easily."

He chuckled against me. Its nice seeing him happy, it means I'm actually doing something right for once. He let me go and looked me over.

"Woah, what's with the red eyes?" He questioned with a shocked expression.

"Yeahh, it kind of happened when I was with the Vemons," I responded while rubbing the back of my neck awkwardly.


"I don't know. One minute, I have my normal brown eyes, and the next I see that I have these red ones instead."

"That's weird, you should ask the elders after school. By the way, don't worry about the fact you went missing, me and Lacey covered for you, saying you were sick and bedridden. You should know that Lacey was really worried when I told her what happened."

"I plan on it, thank you for covering for me. I'm sure she will be very glad to see me back safe and sound. Now, be honest, how bad do they look?"

"At first they're kind of creepy, but after a little bit, you look very pretty. They're like rubies with gold specks."

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