Chapter 3: Leap of Faith

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I was dreaming. The sound of chirping crickets ringing in my ear. My eyes opened to the glowing fireflies hovering throughout the trees. Tilting my head back, the stars shining amidst the inky black sky. For just a moment I could forget my reason for being in my safe-haven. Immerse myself in the glimmering starlight. The world around me fading into nothing. If only I could stay wrapped in this moment forever.

But the real world will always call me back. Unfortunately, life doesn't pause for me. I knew I needed to get up. It was late, I needed to head back to my house. My ability to stand was hindered by a crippling sharp pain. Spreading through my nerves like poison running through my veins. My heart pounded in my chest, as if it needed to pump more blood in my system. I writhed on the ground, hoping I could escape once again, only permanently. My vision blurred. My body went into sensory overload. And I passed out.


I awoke to a heat on my eyelids. I opened my eyes for a third time in a row. Seeing it was suddenly the next day. The sun shining brightly through the canopy of weeping willows. Their long branches swayed in the light breeze in the air. Their leaves occasionally grazing the grass beneath them.

I knew if I didn't want to be late for school and make Lacey worry, I had to leave now. No time to change clothes.

I ran as fast as I could through the forest. When once again I was hit with excruciating pain. Putting my running to an immediate halt. Sitting down in hopes it will fade, and I wouldn't pass out like I did last night. The sudden cracking of bones filled me with panic. What the hell is happening to me?

I screamed, my heart beating so fast, the thump, thump of my heartbeat pounded in my eardrums. Harsh, ragged breaths left me as bone after bone began breaking and reforming. Breaking and reforming. Contorting into some shape that was unknown to me. The sensation of prickling hair coming out of my skin like I was undergoing acupuncture over my entire body. My canines elongated until eventually all the pain ceased and I was left trembling with complete exhaustion.

I attempted to stand up so I can go back to my house and rest, but unable to stand. I looked down at my feet, only to find I wasn't me anymore. I suddenly had four legs and giant paws, covered in fur that made me look as though I submerged myself in black ink.

What happened to me? How is this happening? Then, from behind a tree in front of me, was the new guy.

He slowly stepped forward, I grumbled at him.

"I ran here when I heard your scream. Lorraine was trying to tell you, but you didn't believe her. Now it came at random. She--I mean we wanted you to be prepared and stay at her cabin until the change was going to happen, with you ready for it. It wasn't supposed to be like this," He ran his fingers through his hair.

I should be mad. I really should be, especially at the fact that it was becoming increasingly clear that the only reason he enrolled in my school and reached out to me, was because he was in league with the crazy old lady in the woods.

But I wasn't, I was indifferent. All too used to the duplicity of others.

I took a moment to look at him, like really look at him. I saw in his eyes, his desire for me to believe him, to trust him. He wanted me to give them a chance. Because apparently it wasn't just Lorraine anymore, now it was the both of them.

The look in his eyes scares me. I haven't given people chances in a long time, as much as I try to move on from the past, I can't seem to let it go. I can't bring myself to open up and trust people again, not after everything that's happened in my life.

The Girl who Drowned in DarknessOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora