Chapter 12: Daddy Issues

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I awoke with a massive headache and tear stains on my face from last night's crying episode. I unwrapped myself from Lacey's arms, washed my face in the bathroom. As I looked at my reflection, I could barely recognize myself with those red eyes. Those evil looking eyes that causes me so many problems. How could she still be my friend after knowing all that? After seeing these eyes? Me bold? Now that's got to be a joke.

I walked out of the bathroom to see Lacey sitting in bed waiting for me to speak.

"Lacey, about last night, I just wanted to say, thank you for being here. I don't understand what I do to deserve you for a best friend."

"Meghan, you don't need to thank me, this is what friends do for each other. You deserve a lot more than what you receive, Meg. And one day you will get what you deserve, one day you will be happy again, I promise. It might be awhile, but it will happen."

I walked over and gave Lacey a big hug. We stayed like that for a few minutes, me soaking up as much as I could of her, to remind myself, I'm still sane, and everything's okay. I don't know what I would do without her. Probably lose my mind, if I haven't already.

That's the thing I love about Lacey, no matter how deep or how long I'm drowning in misery and self-hatred, she's always there to pull me out and save me, time and time again. And for that I will always be thankful and indebted to her.

We separated and decided to take showers. While she was in the bathroom I looked at the picture frames of our memories together. They instantly brought a smile of nostalgia on my face. I happened upon one of the few photos she has of her and her parents. It was of them at a carnival. I've never personally met her parents. Lacey doesn't like to talk about them much, which I more than anyone can understand. But its more than that, there isn't anything to speak of about them. They're basically strangers to her. They're always on business, work related and all that. So Lacey practically raised herself and basically lives on her own here. I kind of wish it was like that with my parents, that way I didn't have to deal with their shit. I didn't have to live in a forest.

Lacey came out of the bathroom and saw me looking at the picture, "That was the last time I saw my parents since they left for business." She came to my side and picked up the frame and touched the image of her parents lightly. "They surprised me that morning, said they wanted to have a family day. They took me to the carnival that was passing through. We did everything, rode rides, played games. My dad even won me a stuffed animal. It wasn't until we got home and they tucked me into bed for the first time, that I realized why they did all of that. They said they were leaving for business the next morning and didn't know when they would be back. I was 9. Haven't seen them since."

"I'm sorry, I know what its like to have shitty parents. Do they at least call?"

She looked at me, "Not really, they could be dead for all I know."

"I'm sorry."

She smiled, "Its okay, I don't even really know them. I mean it sucks, but at least I know I won't end up like them."

I have always admired her strength. She set the picture frame back down and got dressed while I got in the shower.

As soon as I was finished and dressed, we laid in bed watching Tv. I happened to be so engrossed in the show that at first I didn't even realize that someone was trying to talk to me in the mind link, until I heard Brian screaming my name.

'Meghan, are you there? Meghan. Meghan, Answer me! Meghan!'

'What?! What is it?'

'I've been trying to talk to you for the past few minutes.'

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