Chapter 5- Natsu

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I missed Lee. Also, I don't believe Gray keeps saying okay, but  I know there is something wrong...

At the moment, I was sitting on my balcony in my guest room in Twilight Night, with my legs on the post.

The moonlight seemed to hit the balcony in the right way, making it look like the balcony is glowing, the night sky was just shimmering as if mother did it for us.

There was only one word about how to describe it.

"Wow, so beautiful," I said in an impressed voice.

And I heard a comment come from beside me, "Yeah, beautiful."

I turned to look at Gray as he looked at me, his dark blue eyes would have swallowed me right then there.

He winked, and that made my cheeks hot, I quickly turn my head.

And kept repeating the thought in my head,' Screw him, and his charm.'

There were only two emotions you could read on his face, shock, and concern.

I smiled as he sat beside me, he started holding my hand, and asked, " What are you doing out here?" I thought about it, Why am I?

Shrugging my shoulders I don't know he understood, he let my hand go as he
held my cheek, he said in a gentle way  " I love you, my love ." I smiled at this and he then kissed me on my head.

Gray was trying to look into my eyes, but I was looking at the floor. It wasn't because he didn't like the moment, it was because his brain was just thinking of Gray.

"Are you okay?" Gray asked me. He was worried about what I was thinking because maybe I wouldn't be enjoying that moment like he was doing.

"No, I'm fine, love, it's just I worry about you, because I know something is wrong with you, but you won't tell me what it is. I won't try to figure it out or force it out of you. If you can't tell me what's in your heart, it's your right.  

Gray looked at his lover when he asked. " Will we still be lovers?"

"I'm your love, and I'll always be. That's why it kills me that I can't help you with whatever's making you feel so alone." I sighed when he saw his lover's expression, I added, " I'll leave you to your thoughts if you want. "

Also, I felt someone grab my arm, I already knew who it was. Gray.

"Natsu, wait! Stay. You're right, I'm alone." Grows increasingly emotional.   " More than ever before. I can barely take it anymore!  You're right, I keep secrets, I lie all the time! I lie to my friends, to my parents, to everyone and the worst thing is, I can't do it any other way.

One thing, I  noticed was Gray crying, something I never saw from him. He was always the strong one, who protected me with his life. The next thing I knew, was Gray was crying on my shoulder.

At first, I was hesitant to want to do it, but soon as I could I figured out how. Starting to stroke his hair, to comfort him. Then began to whisper in his ear.
"There's always another way." knowing he heard with his supernatural hearing.

He broke the embrace with his arms "No, not this time. I have no choice. All this is bigger than us, Natsu. Way too big. " He turned his back to me, still sitting on the balcony.

'Even though he can be stubborn sometimes, I will always love him no matter what.' I thought to myself. I turned his head to look at him, "If it's too big, two of us can handle it better than one." I said gently.

" If I tell you, things will never be the same between us again. It'll mess up everything, maybe even destroy it. I don't want to hurt you or get you hurt. I love you with all my heart. That's why I will always protect you against anyone who tries to break us."

"Gray, I'm your lover, you can tell me anything "

" Not this. " I become surprised, that someone, whom I admired the most was his lover before I hug Gray."

I kissed Gray on the lips, Gray was surprised for a second. But he soon returns to the kiss, the two broke the kiss. As they pressed their heads together, I smile at you.

"That's okay, my love,  you can tell me when you are ready. "

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