Chapter 8- Gray "Nightmare"

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I hope Lee is okay...

And Natsu is becoming obvious...

A knife came flying...

I caught it.

I saw Lynn.

She hasn't had a smile since Lee left.

I heard that the two fight each other...

They're both rivals...

But I feel like there is something more...

"Nice caught, Fullbuster." Oh. Did I mention she has a country accent...

"What you want, Lynn?"

"I just need to talk to you, Don't worry it not about that?"

'How she know that I felt cautious that she going to confess to me."

She ruffled my hair...

"Don't think about it." She pucked my head.


"Come on let's go on the roof."

I nodded.

We had to get on the side...

And it's not fair. She a Feline...

She has more reflexes than me...

So she was already up there...


"What to say that again." Has her hands were on flames...

I just ignored the pain, as I grabbed it...

She was shocked...

I took my handoff.

"How?" She asked both questionable and scared...

"I'm a Half-Breed."

As I ran off the roof and made sure to grab a part of the roof...

On the opposite end of Lynn...

And I slung my body in a window and broke it.

Everyone complained, and Gray and Nightmare.

I saw Natsu blush.

And my brother smiled.

He ran to me.

"Brother, brother, you're awesome."


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