Chapter 6-Lee "Lighnting"

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Well with my stowaway, we covered a few mountains. And we discovered a village, noticing Magnolia Guards every way. I gasped a Guard City.

Which means trouble, using my shapeshifting ability. I changed our appearance. And got us in Magnolia Guards armor, to blend in with the town.

We saw a guard bar, where guards hang out to bully the supernatural. Looked through the window, and no a man I hated...

 My father with his creation, Shade...

I glared...

He sensed me and a smirk came...

I gasped I saw something wrapped in his hand...

My great-grandmother's necklace...

That necklace controls my great-grandmother and lets her stay in this world...

I need to get it back.

I saw a couple of women dressed in very exposed clothes...

I knew what I had to do...

I saw a woman sing on stage...

That it...

I saw from afar a door of the bar, and of course, on the or was a sign that says "No Supernatural allowed." With a big x over a supernatural.

Two lookouts were guarding the door. Also, the checking everyone who walked in was going through a machine that checked if you are supernatural or not.

But to the Magnolia Court, the only thing they love is eliminating the supernatural scattered throughout the kingdom their indulgence in "monster" is infectious to those around them, according to them.

While most people know that what they do is wrong. The Magnolia Court believes they are a good person. They repeatedly refuse to find fault within themselves and are quite self-righteous, declaring themselves much purer than "the common vulgar, weak, licentious crowd" and above the biblical doctrine that all men are equally sinful. They believe that everything they do is in the name of God, even as they attack the cathedral for the sake of one Supernatural.

Walking it to the entrance, with my disguise on

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