What if everyone you love, always leaves too soon? Chapter 10

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     Ciel POV:

     We we're finally leaving, I sigh as I prop my arm up on the side of the car and rest my head on my hand. I had bruises all over my arms and chin, bruises were the only thing you could really see on my skin. My body still was in a great amount of pain, the doctors didn't give me pain killers, worrying that if they did give me some when I was lying in the hospital bed, my body might react badly to it, killing me in my sleep. 

    So I had to cope with it, the doctors telling me to rest in bed and try not to move around much. Them worrying that I might open one of my wounds causing it to get infected and I DON'T want to deal with that. 

   I glimpsed out the car window, my eye slowly closing. The dark sky light up with stars and the moon showing through the fog. It really was difficult to see now, my head pounding and my body limp, slowly going into unconsciousness.

   "-iel." Someone says as they shake my shoulder lightly, "Ciel, wake up we're here." A soft voice says as my eye slowly opens. I look to see my Aunt staring at me with a small smile on her face. "Come on, you need to go and rest in bed. Can you walk okay?" She says as I slowly shake my head. I felt weaker then I had before and I didn't really want to risk falling out of the car.  "Okay, I'll carry you." She says as she says as she gets out of the car and opens my door. "Come on." She picks me up gently and carries me in the house. 

  I didn't see the house yet, I didn't really care at this point. All I wanted to do was just sleep. "Oh, I forgot to ask you Ciel," She says as she walks into a room with a king sized bed, "After you are all healed up, would you like for me to put you in school? You should have started years ago, considering your nine now, so I thought it would be a good idea." She says as she places me on the bed. I smile and nod my head. She laughs, " I knew you would want to." She makes sure I'm comfortable and walks to leave turning the light off. "Goodnight Ciel. If you need anything, I'll be here." She says and walks out and closes the door.

   I sigh and shut my eyes, about to fall asleep when I hear a familiar voice. I-I couldn't make out what they said, but then I realized something... It was the boy.

Oooooooooh cliffhanger! I am making the chapters slightly smaller, so I can try to upload one every day, sorry for that. I know there might be some mistakes but I can't catch them right away. I hope you're enjoying this so far! I don't know, I'm kind of one sided with this story, but I will see how it turns out! Thanks for reading! :D

I don't own Black Butler.

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