What if everyone you love, always leaves too soon? Chapter 12

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Hey! Sooo sorry about not updating for a couple months, been really busy lately >.>

Literally got my wisdom teeth removed then after that I moved into a new house because my old house sucked. So! Without further ado, here is the next chapter!

He stares at me, his red wine colored eyes look at me, almost as if they can see right through me.

I stare back, the only sound being the sound of my fast heart beat, myself still not believing that this random guy named Sebastian, possibly the most attractive person that I have ever seen in my entire life that i barely knew and I believe to have saved my life, was staring at me. It wasn't a angry look, more of like a unreadable one. He stares at me for what seems like hours, the same smirk on his pale flawless face.

I see him glancing at my eye patch, a slight frown forms on his face, but it leaves as quick as it came as he almost seemingly eyes every inch of me. He glances down, and smiles, his perfect white teeth showing.

I look down confused, as I see I'm only wearing a baggy button up shirt that was much to oversized for my small figure. I then realize.. I'm not wearing pants. My small legs and underwear completely visible from me moving around so much from him suddenly being there.

My entire face turns red as I see him staring, I curse myself as I lay down quickly and pull the blankets over my head. 'How dare he... That pervert!' I think to myself angrily.

He let's out a deep velvety laugh, it startles me as I hear it.

I hear light footsteps, I don't know which way they were going since my hearing was slightly fuzzy from the accident. I slowly peak out from underneath the blanket, wondering what happened and if he had left. I jump back as I see his face extremely close to mine, are noses practically touching as a gentle hand grasps my chin as he leans up to my ear and whispers:

"You're beautiful, Ciel."

I jump back from his grip, blushing as no one has ever said anything to me like that before.

I could practically hear the smirk in his voice as he says that and leans up and places a light kiss on my lips.

I flinch as his lips touch mine. I immediately jump back as he crawls over the top of me, making it impossible to get up.

"Y-You...!" I try to say back as my face gets redder as I glance back up to him.

I blush hard as he leans close to me again and looks into my eyes.

"You what...?" He says teasingly as he leans closer to my face.

"You... Idiot!"

I say as I kick at his groin, getting a direct hit as he makes a face of pain as he falls onto the bed.

I sit up as I see him face first on the bed groaning.

"What the hell! Sorry i kicked you but I wake up to a the most attractive guy I've ever seen sitting in my window sill who then stares me down and tells me I'm beautiful, which then kisses me!" I say angrily, my face still red.

'Oh crap...' I think as my eyes widen when I realize what I had just said.

"I-I mean-!" I say at a loss of words.

He lifts his head up, and turns his head over to me,

"Oh really...? You really think I'm the most attractive guy you've ever seen?" He says, as he sits up so he's right in front of me.

I feel my face turn even more red

"N-No! I didn't mean to say that-!"

I say quickly as I suddenly feel a hand put on my head,

"Huh...?" I say confused as Sebastian begins to ruffle my hair.

"I like you, you've got attitude." He says as he smiles and gets up.

"I'll be seeing you around, Ciel."

He says as he walks over to the window and dangles his feet off the edge.

"What are you doing you idiot-!" I begin to say as he jumps out of the window.

I get up as quickly as I can and slowly limp over to the window. 'No way! I'm on the highest room!' I think as I look out the window looking for him.

I spot him in the front lawn, looking up at me. He smiles and waves as he sprints off into the forest in the front of our house.

I stand there, wondering what actually just happened. I shut the window as I walk over to my bed.

I move the blankets around, making them so they're even so I can go back to sleep when I see a small scrap of paper.

I grab it and flip it over, wondering what it is.

I walk over to the light so I am able to see, and read it.

In small letters in neat cursive handwriting reads:

"If you ever need to see me, meet me here. I'm there whenever you need me. -Sebastian"

I raise a eyebrow as I read it, I walk over and place it in the bedside table in the drawer, not wanting to throw it away.

I climb in bed, my body still sore as I am now wide awake.

'Whenever I need you? We'll see about that.'

I think to myself as I lay there, deciding what is going to happen next.

Hello! Sorry its kind of short, but I tried haha

Sorry about mistakes, wrote this on my phone

I don't own Black Butler!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2014 ⏰

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