Chapter 2 Her Identity Revealed

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As mike was lifted into the air, the police left and went back to their daily lives. On the other hand he was never seen ever again. The question were all asking, who took him?

"Alexander take us to Keltepo." Said Unknown

"OK my Majesty." Said Alexander.

As this Spaceship headed forth to Keltepo, the mysterious queen walked to Mike in his slumber. With men in mask around him wasn't well. He woke up in a fright and tied up.

"Where am I?" Asked Mike.

"Welcome Mike." Said the Queen.

"Who the hell are you?" Asked Mike.

"You will find out in a minute." Said the Queen.

The queen took Mike to the room he would be sleeping in, to get some rest. Through out the night he tossed and turned as he dreamed about the woman and who she was. The next morning a cute guy named Dylan walked in and told him that the queen needed to see him right away.

"Hello Mike it time to wake up and see the queen in the Mess Hall." Said Dylan

"OK sir ill be a minute." Replied with a smile.

Mike got up and headed down to the mess hall to see the queen. As he was walking beside Dylan he had a short glanced of his body and blushed a little, it kinda reminded him of his ex-boyfriend Adam. But of course Mike knew he wasn't alone and he wanted answers.

"Welcome Mike...Please take a seat." Said the Queen.

"Thank your Majesty." Replied Mike.

"Their is no need to call me Majesty Mike." Replied the Queen.

Mike dropped his fork to his plate and stopped for a minute to think. "How can this be, my mother died when I was born." Mike asked that question and asked for an explanation from the queen. The queen begun to tell her story on what had happen sixteen years ago and why she had abandoned her children. "Please let me explain everything like I did with your sister." Replied with beginning of her story.

"Sixteen years ago on a planet called Dragen, their was so much life to it between two kingdoms." Your fathers kingdom of the "Galiters" and his brother kingdom "Maintors". It was a bloodbath of the ages to make two kingdoms into one. Your father told me to take you and your sister to a far far Galaxy so his brother wouldn't be able to find you and kill you. As for your father and his brother, A war struck out and killed nearly half the population. A year later when I had returned to your father he had died and his brother won the planet and banned me from ever coming back. He said one day he will get his revenge on you and your sister. Once then I fled to Keltepo and started a new kingdom their.

When your uncle came to seize my planet all my men were forced to kill and attack all and made me leave. He found out were you two were located. I knew if their was any chance of winning I would of killed him a long time ago myself. My son I brought you for a reason, to take my place as king of Keltepo.

"Where is my sister?" Asked Mike.

"Waiting for you at the castle." Replied his mother.

"As soon as we land in Keltepo, I will make sure you see your sister my son." Said the Queen.

Later that day the spaceship landed in Keltepo. Dylan walked with Mike to the castle and into the throne room. As they were walking into the castle Dylan made his first move on to Mike and grabbed his hand. While holding hands Dylan let him go so Mike could hug his sister.

" ANNA." Screamed out with passion from Mike.

"Mike how are you brother." Replied Anna.

"I'm well I missed you so much." Replied crying.

"Now that my family is born once again together I am so happy." Said their mother in happy tears.

"Mother what year is this?" Asked Mike.

"Well son it is the year 4016." Replied his mother.

"Ah Dylan can you please take Mike to his room so he can get into better clothes for dinner." Asked Miranda.

"Yes my queen, it would be my honor." Replied Dylan.

Dylan took Mike to his room and once again they were holding hands on the way. Dylan and Mike started to talk about the upcoming ceremony on him becoming king. Mike was all new to this and started to enjoy his new life.

"Hey Mike can I ask you a question." Asked Dylan.

"Sure Dylan you can ask me anything." Replied Mike.

"Would you like to go on a date sometime?" Asked in a shy way.

"Yes I would love to Dylan, But it better be a great day." Replied Mike.

Later that night Mike had gotten ready for the dinner and asked his mom if he could bring Dylan to dinner. His mom said he could, but she asked why. Mike begun to explain that he was not a normal boy and wanted to know if his sexuality would be acceptable on this planet. Shortly after his sister walked in with her boyfriend and his mom replied. "Yes son we would accept you no matter what you become. You are my only son and you are everything left to this planet and your destiny will one day come true.

"Welcome everyone to tonight's dinner of a wonderful return to Keltepo. I want to welcome my son back to everyone and know that we will finally restore our kingdom on Dragen and take revenge on my brother. But first lets feast on this celebration." Said the Queen.

"I would love to give a big shout out to my wonderful brother and his safe return to home. To my brother." Said Anna.

As Mike had gotten his welcome feast from his mother and sister, him and Dylan left the feast hall to go out to the courtyard to spend some alone time together. As Dylan promised he would make this date outstanding.

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