Chapter 7 Love's Curse

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October 31, 4016

Dear Diary,

Everything that I have come crossed has vanished in front of me. Why do I bring destruction to this universe? All I know that it is up to my Sister and I to save this universe from destruction. I hope before I die that someone can read this and know that I was here.

Mike Aston


"Mike come on we need to go."

"OK Anna I'm coming."

"Mike before you come, make sure you get auntie Susana's body."


"So we can burn the body and do a proper funeral."

Mike had gotten his aunt Susana's body onto the ship and had left without a proper goodbye from Jario. On the other hand Anna had crossed her fingers and prayed to the lord above that their will be safety with them. With her prayer it had brought light to the ship and a man came down and showed his true colors. It was Panama, god of the galaxy. Everyone on the ship got onto their knees and bowed to their lord, their god.

"Anna I hear you pray for safety." Asked Panama.

"Yes my lord." Replied with sorrow.

"Why so sad child? Is it that murderous man that is after you. Or is it..."

"Is it what?"

"Nothing I have said to much."

"No tell me please we need to know."

"No my child for now you need to focus on killing this man who has tried destroying everything in your path."

"OK my lord."

"Your welcome Anna. But for now I will help you."

"But let me tell you a story about this young man who is after you and why he wants revenge."

Eighteen years ago was consider that dark ages on my universe. The Eclipse is what changed everything. Your uncle Victor used the power from the Eclipse to gain more power. A power that was greater then mine to destroy good from many planets. This power could freeze your heart or Burn your flesh from your soul.

Through the year I watched his power grow into darkness. That darkness spread through the universe from Planet to Planet. Your father who brought the goodness to the universe married the only one that Victor loved. Your mother, who was my daughter. Yes your my grandchildren.

But through that year your uncle lost his love. Your mother married your dad and had you both. When you two were born, the darkness grew bigger. And wiped out a planet of diseases and death. He went after your father and killed him. Luckily your mother took you two out of their before he could of killed you both.

I had the chance to come down and to bring my army to vanquish his army. But to my point of this story is that when your uncle was younger the darkness came from the heartbreak. If you don't believe then you need to believe. "Only an Eclipse can destroy the darkness."

Yes my children, the curse caused all this pain and darkness from your mother. Only you two can fix this on the next Eclipse, by ending the curse and ending his misery. I wish you two luck and strength on your journey. I hope that this story has helped you. I hope that one day you two will be rewarded for saving this universe. Bye my children.

"Wait?" Said Mike.

"Yes Mike?" Said Panama.

"Where can we find this witch?"

"On Marta. Only once their ask for a women name Mother Magus and she will lead you too the truth. I must go now."

"Anna we need to get to Marta now and discover the truth now and destroy this darkness for once and all."

"Yes Mike, I'll go ask my men to take us their now."

Anna left to go tell her men to take them to Marta and Mike went to go burn his Aunt Susana. As Anna went to the front of the ship their was a clash noise coming from below the ship and she went to go see what it was. Only to find out that it was mike making a huge mistake by sending his aunt out of a shoot into space.

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