Chapter 5 Witches and Curses

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"Mike, Anna welcome to Jario." Greeted from Aunt Susana.

"Thank you Auntie." Said Anna.

"Come...Come...let's get inside before nightfall." Replied with wiriness.

Queen Susana brought Anna and Mike into her castle and made them welcome with a feast. On the other hand Mike wasn't hungry and decided to go on a walk.

"Don't go to far my boy." Said Susana.

"Why auntie?" Asked Mike.

"I can't explain it now. But later I will I promise." Replied with a sad look.

Mike went for a walk outside of the castle and it begun to get dark. Susana and Anna sat down and started to catch up on memories from the past. Susana was telling Anna about her uncle and what he did a couple of years ago. As Mike was walking outside, it had gotten dark and troll trees begun to rise from the ground.

"AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" A loud scream came out of from nowhere.

Mike followed the scream and the closer he got the louder it got.

"Hello is anyone there?" Asked Mike.

"Hello Child." A witch said.

As the witch said hello to Mike, he was welcomed into her home for his destiny reading.

"My child I can see your future." Said the Witch.

"What you mean mam?" Said Mike.

"You are destined for great things and great powers." Said the witch.

"What powers?" Asked Mike.

"Powers that will lead you to your darkness. Powers that will lead many people to their death. Is that what you want petty child." Said the witch.

When the witch told Mike about his destiny, he ran away and headed back to the castle. On the other hand Anna and Susana stopped their conversation about her uncle, and Susana heard a dark noise.

"What is it auntie?" Asked Anna.

"Wait here Anna." Said Susana.

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