Chapter 6 Not so Susana

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When Susana left the castle to go look for the noise, Mike headed back away from the witches. As Anna was told to stay in the castle, she ripped off her dress and got into some peasant's outfit and headed out on horse.

"Anna...? Aunt Susana...? Anyone...? Where is everyone?" Mike asked worried.

"WHAT THE HELL?" Said Susana.

"Hello Susana." Said Victor.

"What do you want Victor." Replied with guilt.

"Your soul to finish on what I started." Said Victor.

"No!!!" Replied Susana.

Susana turned her horse around and headed back to the castle to get away from Victor. But once again the Phoenix had returned.

"Victor Noooooooooooooooo!!!" Screamed Susana.

"Auntie Susana!" Screamed Anna.

Anna came toward Susana and saw her laying on the ground dead with blood coming from her eyes.

"Hello Anna." Said Victor.

"Who are you?" Asked Anna.

"Oh petty child you don't know me. Oh what sadness that brings to your uncle." Said Victor.

Mike called for Anna and as when that happen Victor disappeared.

"What no, WHERE THE HELL DID HE FUCKING GO!!!" Screamed Anna.

"Anna what happened?" Asked Mike.

"Some man just killed auntie Susana." Replied Anna

"We need to leave Mike like right now." Said very strictly.

After Anna told Mike that they had to leave Jario quickly. They headed back to castle to pack their bags and get onto their spaceship before that man would find them again.


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