Chapter 8 Meeting Mother Magus

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"OK men head straight forward to the black hole. It will take us straight into the other universe." Said Anna.

"My majesty are you sure that is safe?" Asked Soldier.

"Bloody HELL it is safe!"

"OK my majesty."

Anna and her men headed right for that black hole to take them into the next universe. As heading trough this black hole, something strange had happen on this ship, and right as they got out there was a scream, a shut out, a secret was revealed.

"What the bloody hell happened?" Asked Mike.

"My children don't be worried, it's only your uncle Victor hear."

"Where they hell are you fucking bastard." Said Anna.

"I am here in front of you or behind you. First ill let you take a guess and find one of your soldiers hiding in the hip. I will never let you reach your destination. I will win this battle."

"Fuck you disgusting Bitch!" Said Anna.

"No No child Fuck you and your baby."

"How do you know?"

"I know many things Anna and I know that your baby will not live long when she is born."

The lights went out and Anna fell to the ground and fainted.

"Anna are you OK?" Asked Mike.

A few minuets later Mike passed out and they didn't wake up for hours. But when they woke up Victor was gone and all their men were killed. As their ship was crashed into Marta, there was nothing left beside one building that was never touched by a disaster that must of taken place.

"Mike wake up...Wake up...Mike please." Crying for help.

Anna looked up into the air crying as her brother was bleeding in agony pain. She felt like she was the only one left to fight for her battle.

"Mike I promise I will be back to help you. Just promise me you wont die." Said Anna.

Anna heard a footstep behind her and turned her neck quickly around to see what it was.

"Hello who there?"

"Uh...Um...Hello." Said stranger.

"Who are you?"

"Did Panama send you Anna?"

"Yes she did, why you ask?"

"I am the witch who is going to help you and your brother"

"Please help him, he is dying."

The witch walked over to mike and cased a spell on Mike to bring him back to life. As Mike was brought back to life, he was breathing roughly and trying to catch the air.

"What the...Where am I?"

"Mike your fine. We finally did it. We made it to Marta."

"Oh my God we did didn't we."

"Yes and the witch is going to help us."

"Mam where do we go to find out the truth?"

"Well Anna, That building over there held information on the answer your looking for. "

"OK let's go now."

"Wait child?"


"I must warn you."

"Warn me about what?"

"What ever you find, don't let me stop you from destroying the darkness."

"What do you mean?"

"You will find out when you go in there."

"What is your name?"

"Mother Magus."

Mother Magus took Anna and Mike over to the building and said a secret spell to open the front doors. Only her spell would allow anyone into the building. Once they got into the building, Mother Magus told Anna and Mike to go to the top floor and they will find the answer.

"Children what your looking for is on the top floor."

"Thank you Mother Magus." Said Anna.

"Your welcome, but be warned this building is weird."

"What do you mean?" Asked Mike.

"you will have to take the stairs."

"That is fine with us." Said Mike.

"No it not."

"What?" Asked Anna.

"Every floor the stairs will be on the opposite side of the building. Each floor has dark magic and dark creatures from the darkness. The higher you go the worse it will get from the darkness."

"Oh well is their not elevator?" Asked Mike.

"Unfortunately no."

"Oh, well can't you cast a spell to make us magically go up there." Asked Mike.

"No my magic don't work in here."

"OK well we can handle this." Said Anna.

"OK children, but please let me help you get up there."

"OK Mother Magus you can join." Said Anna.

Mother Magus, Anna and Mike headed up to the top floor of the building to find out the secret and to began a war against Victor. But only one person will make it out of all of this.

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