Chapter 12 Goodbye Anna

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Mike looked at Miranda and Panama. He demanded them to tell her what is going to happen and that she needs to know. Panama looked at Mike in a sad way and decided to not tell Anna.

"I'm so sorry Anna." Said Panama

"No you can't do this." Said Mike.

"It needs to happen if you want to succeed." Said Miranda.

"No don't do this."

"Do what may I ask." Said Anna.

Panama begun her ritual to send Anna to Marta.

"From the lights of Heaven to the fire of Hell. From the waters of Marta to the mountains of Marta we send Anna back to where she came from."

"What no don't do this." Said Mike.

"Mike don't let her do this." Said Anna,

The guards held back Mike from stopping Panama and Anna fell through the floor of the palace and fell right back into Marta.

"What have you done." Said Mike.

"Mike if you want to win this let Anna go." Said Miranda,

"No she is my sister."

"I know but it will help the darkness."


"If we give the darkness what it wants it will weaken."

As Anna went back onto Marta, Mike was kept up in Heaven to never see her again.

"Oh no. Not here again." Said Anna.

"Hello Anna, it is nice to see you again."

"Not you again Sydney."

"Oh yes and I have friend for you."

"What you mean by friend?"

"Hello Anna." Said Victor.

"Back off Victor."



"Why should I when Panama sent you here for me."

"She wouldn't."

"Oh yes she did."

Anna screamed and mike heard it from the heaven sky.

"Panama please stop this." Said Mike.

"No Mike this needs to happen."

A strange man walks into the palace and he looked familiar.

"Hello Mike." Said Dylan

"Back off."

"Why? Don't you miss me."

"Yes but."

"But what?"

"I still love you Dylan."

"I know and I miss you."

"Mike you have one wish? Said Miranda.

"What is that mother?"

"To bring him back alive."

"Do it Mike." Said Dylan.

Mike closed his eyes and wished very hard. He wished for Dylan back alive and his wish came true. On the other had Anna was in trouble.

"Victor don't do this" Said Anna.

"I'm going to."

Victor took the dark dagger into her heart and stabbed her.

"Bye Anna."

Anna fell to the ground as her skin falls off and becomes black. Her soul becomes a new darkness that will haunt Panama.

"Now send her soul back up to heaven." Said Victor.

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