Chapter 15 The Council Meeting

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While Panama and Roza walked down the tunnel to the council room, every window shut closed. Every step passed every window made the tunnel dark and darker. As they reached the doors, they opened slowly to greet them with a fantastic entrance.

"Welcome members of the Demi Nation." Said Panama

"What do you want Panama?" Said Niforth.

"Niforth you should know why we are here." Said Ferste.

"I don't know." Said Niforth.

"Guys we are here for the prophesy." Said Thorbet.

"Guys calm down!" Said Panama.

"Sorry my majesty." Said Demi Nation.

"Look guys we have the Prophesy. He is the one who will destroy the darkness and save our worlds. Our universe." Said Roza.

"Well where was he when the darkness destroyed the Milky Way? HUH?" Said Niforth.

"He was only a baby when the Milky Way was destroyed." Said Panama.

"So who is this prophesy?" Asked Ferste.

"Mike Aston!" Said Panama.

"No...No...It can't be!" Said Thorbet.

"Yes it is!" Said Panama.

"I thought he was in the past." Said Thorbet.

"We brought him back to destroy the darkness." Said Panama.

"Why you would you bring him back huh?" Asked Niforth.

"Because!" Said Panama.

"You remember when Nick Castillo came to the future. He was supposedly to save Neptune and the Milky Way from Queen Taklamakan. But no, when she met Victor." Said Niforth.

"Yes!" Said Panama.

"Well she saw the darkness and he had killed her."

"I know!"

"Well guys were not going to get anything solved here." Said Ferste.

"Oh yes we will!" Said Niforth.

"Maybe we should have your head hanged Panama." Said Niforth.

"Over my dead body!" Said Panama.

"No Panama you have fucked us over to many times. We know you killed Mike's sister. We know you created all of this shit." Said Nifroth.

"You can't prove it!" Said Panama.

"Yes we can!" Said Niforth

"HOW?" Asked Panama.

"Toga!" Screamed Niforth.

"No not Toga!" Said Panama.

"Hello my wife!" Said Toga.

"What do you want bastard!" Said Panama.

"For you vengeance to come to an end! For you to stop all of this that you have created. Your the reason the darkness started. Your the reason that your daughter is dead. Your the reason that we will all die." Said Toga.

"NO I'M NOT!" Screamed Panama.

"YES YOU ARE!" Said Toga.

Panama fled the scene in a smoke of fire and shortly after Toga took over Verona.

"Look Demi Nation, if we want to win we will need the prophesy to destroy the darkness and Panama. She is a threat to all of us." Said Toga.

"Agreed!" Said Niforth.

"Agreed!" Said Ferste.

"Agreed!" Said Thorbet.

"Now someone bring me Mike!" Said Toga.

"Well the council meeting is over!" Said Niforth.

"See you guys later." Said Toga.

The Demi Nation left the council meeting and headed back to their worlds. Toga went to the palace waiting for Mike to come.

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