7- The plan

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"And?" My two best friends asked me as soon as I stepped out of the doctor's office. It's been a day since I told them and it seems like they're still not over the fact that I had sex.

They both talked me into letting them accompany me to my doctor and to be honest, I was glad someone came with me. I smiled at them and continued my way outside. I was greeted by the fresh air as soon as I left the building.

"Don't let us down. Are you pregnant or not?" Stacey asked.
"Am I going to be the uncle to Prince Charming's child?" Jason asked at the same time. I stopped and turned to look at them.

"No, I am not pregnant and the STD test results come back in a week." I said, relieved by that. I couldn't be a mother right now. Someday, but not now. Jason and Stacey let out a breath of relieve.

"Aw." Jason sighed disappointed and I hit his shoulder hard. I knew I shouldn't have told him who I slept with. But sooner or later he would've found out anyways.

"Ouch." He grunted. Making Stacey laugh.
"So, who's up for some drinks tonight?" Stacey asked and I quickly shook my head.
"Not tonight, I really have to catch onto some things this week. I also haven't applied to any schools yet. So that's a no for me." I said and she looked at Jason, who shrugged.

"Sure, as long as your drunken self doesn't try something on me." He said and Stacey rolled her eyes.
"Don't worry about that." She snapped.


Once I was home, I installed my stove and unpacked some more things. I realized I hardly dedicated time to my new home. All I did these last few weeks was go out with Stacey and Jason.

I smiled when I saw my old yearbook and sat down on the couch, apple juice in my hand. Gosh, how much I miss being in high school. If I were an ordinary teenager, I would've graduated last year. But even last year seemed so far away.

I looked at a few senior quotes, laughing at Jason's: 'Nothing was harder than high school. Not even my dick.'

I'm surprised they didn't sensor that. When a yawn escaped me, I put the yearbook aside and closed my eyes for a few seconds. These past few days have really worn me out.

I opened my eyes again and stood up, walking into my bedroom in order to get my laptop. I decided I had to distract myself, and how better to do that than by writing a few application letters. But as I waited for my laptop to turn on, I got an idea. One that definitely defeated the purpose of distracting me.

So when I finally clicked on Google, I hesitated. Should I do it? I felt like invading his privacy, but to be honest. What did he expect? He didn't give much away about himself and something in me just couldn't let go. Maybe they are right when they say the first one will always be special. Jesus, I hated myself for even thinking about that.

I just shook those thoughts away and typed in: Prince Charming. Of course a dozen Disney references and pictures came up. So I tried: Prince Charming fighter. That seemed to work as a picture of the familiar handsome man popped up. There was no biography about him, only a Wikipedia article, saying how many fights he won and uninteresting stuff.

Nothing about his real name. Nothing about where he lives either, just where his next fight will be. I texted Jason a quick message, asking if he was going to be there and offering to drive him again. Because I still had Elijah's money and wasn't planning on keeping it. I may or may not want to see him again.

Jason said he was going for sure and already planned on asking me. Something about the thought of seeing him again made me smile. Ugh, stop it. I need to think about something else. Like my life, my future. Speaking of my future, I still have to write those application letters. So I sighed and finally got to work.

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