chapter 4

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Demitri's POV

I loved her laughter, I loved her face but most times my possessive side took the better of me.  My driver Joe opened the door to my Nissan forde and she got in and I after her, I could see how nervous she was, I had already made reservations at a famous Italian restaurant downtown since it was a Saturday I had to use my connections to get a reservation.

Her eyes were locked on the images  outside as we approached the restaurant

' Rae this is your first time going out with me so you might not be used to the press following me but just don't say anything no matter how much they bug you'

' OK no problem'   I got down and helped her out of the car and as suspected different flashes from different cameras hit my eyes we walked briskly into the restaurant, she looked up and flashed a smile at the camera men and I couldn't help but smile too, I approached the worker at the desk for our reservations and he led us to our table.

Rae's POV
I was nervous as we got down from the car and just the way demitri predicted it would happen we met with paparazzi I flashed a smile for the cameras as we entered and were led to our table, I picked up the menu and held a puzzled look on my face I guess demitri sensed my confusion s he called to the waiter and he ordered for both of us we started eating it felt so strange and awesome at the same time.

He went to the restroom and I looked up from my plate as I saw Jones approaching I remembered the events that followed our meeting the last time and prayed he would leave before demitri came back

' Rachel good to see you again'

'yh that's true I've been quite busy' ' you look nice, so who are you here with'

'that should be me' I heard in the all so familiar voice

' Rachel wow I didn't know you knew demitri Rodriguez'

' yes she's quite familiar with me and you must be Jones, how did you know me'

' well Rachel I think it's best we be on our way now'

' Į hope to see you again Rachel' he said oblivious to the fact that my heart was beating in my mouth.

Demitri called the waiter to
pay the cheque and we left.

Demitri's POV
I walked out of the restroom to see the same Jones with Rachel I was filled with fury but couldn't show it in public, I walked up to them and we made small talk and left Joe was already waiting in front of the car for us

'you can go home Joe I'll be driving tonight' I gave him cab money and we entered the car, as I started the engine I glanced at the clock and it was just a few minutes to seven, I decided to keep quiet throughout the ride so I wouldn't end up overreacting in the car

' actually demitri nothing was going on he just saw me and wanted to say hi and I was trying to...'

She kept quiet and I noticed my fists was clenched so hard on the steering my knuckles were white I loosened my grip and she stared out the window throughout the ride.

We got home and she walked quietly inside the house while I took a business call outside I walked inside after the call and saw her seated at the extreme end of the couch while a cup of whiskey was at the other end, I turned on the TV and sat down

' Rachel come sit here beside me' I tapped the couch lightly and focused on the football match on the screen she sat down and tried to ease into the chair, held her breath and shut her eyes as I rose my hand and put it around her shoulder, I could feel her body shake as she let out her breath and I cuddled her into me as they finished the match.

I realized she had fallen asleep in the base of my neck I turned off the TV an carried her up the stairs and tucked her into my bed and climbed in next to her after a quick change of clothes I laid her head on my chest and thought of how emotionally disturbed I was when I found her needed someone to pour it on, I had only loved one woman, Rosa and when she died I was broken the night I found her I had a bad day at work just lost a huge client I was too angry to talk to anyone so I walked under the rain alone, when I saw her I just couldn't ignore her, she hopelessly signed the contract she told me she was 18 I took her in and that was three years ago, I thought I could only love one woman but the love I had for Rachel was true, I heard Rosa was back in town but it had to be a rumor since I was there at her funeral and I never wanted Rachel to find out any of these so I had to protect her from my past, making sure she didn't know about Rosa I then drifted off to sleep.


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