Chapter 11

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I gasped for air as I felt cold water splash on my face which was equivalent to an alarm clock here
I looked up and saw Angelo

"I hope you drank enough, cos thats what you get for today"

I heard my stomach grumble as I had been feeding on stale food once in a day the first time, I vomited it and was forced to eat it again plus twenty strokes extra to my normal whipping after that encounter I got used to it.

Then Ed came in and I over heard him telling Angelo that Rosa was coming and immediately my heart skipped a beat nothing ever went well when she was around

"Hey hey she would be here soon get ready" he laughed heartily and I wondered what his joke was

"Its not like you can do anything to get ready" so that was the joke, I tsked in my head.

Rosa's POV
I was definitely angry because Demitri had not been answering m6 messages on his phone since and Rachel would have to suffer for it.

I walked into the estate to see Demitri's mother she was such an old fool but I had to play along if I wanted to get Demitri I picked at the dandelions they were very attractive , the door man told me she wasn't around so I walked back to the car and drove to the secret hideout.

I just needed Demitri to accept me I faked my death and ran off because another guy was ready to supply money once I took care of his sexual desires and of course I agreed since he was old I expected him to leave me in his will but he died and gave everything to charity so I had to come back and I didn't know I had competition but I'm taking care of that.

I walked into where we kept Rachel with Ed and Angelo following me
"luckily I'm in a terrible mood because of you I haven't been able to talk to Demitri, because of you he is not picking my calls"

I noticed the smirk she flashed for some seconds

"Ohhh this is exciting, thrilling for you" she shook her head I loved the fear in her eyes

"Since you're so confident in Demitri why don't we try an experiment Ed! Scissors"

I sniped her hair till it was left in small tufts while she cried

“Lets see how Demitri likes you now, you think you're beautiful he found you on the streets and I'm taking you back there you this filthy church rat you think you can just waltz into the Rodriguez family and steal my show, when I'm done with you you wouldn't bear to hear the name Demitri I heard you like dandelions I brought this for you" I sliced her arm with a knife and used the flower to wipe it

"I dont share my toys with anybody'

and with that I walked out and drove home.

Demitri's POV
The agent and I decided to go to the estate to check for clues
“ I know she ran into the woods after she left” I had already filled him in on what happened

“so do you have any suspects, anyone you think can be behind this”

“No, nobody at all”

“what about your ex she's back in town isn't it??”

“yeah but she cant go this far though”

As we walked on I saw a red dandelion on the floor

"How come this is red”

“the gardener made a mistake"

"But this isn't dye Im going to run a test on this.
A/N:-Vote, comment share lovelies

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