Chapter 12

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Demitri's POV

As we approached the building where the agents office was located I noticed a car behind us also stopped. I came down from the car and met Rosa stepping down from the car too

"Demitri, I haven't heard from you in a long while and I left messages on your phone for you"

"Well I kept forgetting to call you back, and at the moment I'm going for an important meeting"

"I know you are going through a lot at the moment and I just wanted you to know that if you need anything at all I'm here for you"

"Thank you so much I'll call you later bye"

Immediately Hernandez dropped the call he was on and we went into the building we went up the stairs and into the agents office and sat down

"Well Demitri after the tests we found out that it was actually blood on the flower and not dye as you said and we were able to match it to Rachel's blood sample I still suspect Rosa"

" Woah, that's...I don't know so what do we do now"

"Well I have a plan, if there's a way you can put a tracking device on her car we might be able to see what exactly she's up too"

He handed me a parcel containing the tracking device and instructed me on how to fix it and we left.

Lola met with us at a popular restaurant around there and picked Hernandez up whole I drove to Lola's house.

It was already getting dark when I got to her house and parked in her driveway, I had already unpacked the tracking device so I got down and began to screw it to her car when the lights in the living room came on and I screwed in the last bolt when the car alarm went off and the front door opened, I slid the screw driver down my pocket and walked up to the door

"Sorry about that, I tripped on my way here"

"So to what do I owe this visit "

"Uhmmm... Actually..."

I took her face in my hands and kissed her deeply I had to do it so she wouldn't be suspicious of my motive

"wow... Demitri"

"Im sorry I just... I'll be on my way now"

She called out for me but I just walked into my car and drove off, well that went well.

I got home around past ten and drifted off to a dreamless sleep.

Rae's POV

I had lost track of time, so much had happened I was broken then fixed now I'm worse off from where I started, where was Demitri in all of this he's the only hope I have left my thoughts were interrupted by the door, I expected Ed or at least Angelo but to brighten my morning Rosa walked in

"Well I have good news well its good for me who cares about you... Anyways Demitri proposed to me awww don't be sad my plan is right on track after we get married I'll suck him dry and then you can have whatever is left"

So she never even loved him I thought she was just a crazy psychopath not a gold digger. I heard sounds and voices outside the door then suddenly the door was brought down from outside

Oh it was just Angelo breaking the door suddenly a group of policemen entered with Demitri behind them he untied me and hugged me as I sobbed softly into his chest. He led me out of the building with a blanket wrapped around me and told the police not to ask any questions till the next day. Hernandez walked up to me and hugged me too Demitri pulled me into his chest and pecked me on my fore head

"Lets go home"

A/N: So what do you think of the new revelations VOTE COMMENT SHARE LOVE YOU ALL

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