Chapter 9

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Demitri's POV

We got to an Apple Store and immediately she chose a gold colored iPhone 7, I paid and we left

"I'm hungry let's have lunch at Le Chateau"

" Arrghh, must it always be something fancy with you Mr. Demitri Rodriguez, look there's a corn dog cart over there let's get one" Rachel whined

"Uhmmm I don't eat street food and by the way what's a corn dog a dog that eats a lot of corn"

"Hahaha very funny " I smiled as she replied sarcastically and dragged me off

" Two corn dogs please" she collected them

" I wonder how... " she stuck one in my mouth

"Less talking more eating"

And as the paparazzi started gathering I gave her a peck on the cheek for the cameras and they all hustled to get a shot she laughed and pushed me playfully

" let's continue our street shopping"

We walked for a while

" Ooooooo see a Popsicle stand"

She squealed and dragged me off again

"Wait don't tell me you don't know what a Popsicle is"

"Of course I do but I want more corn dogs "

" I knew you'd love it, two Popsicles please"

She handed one over to me

" Well since you've succeeded in making me look like a child could we go home now?? "

" One last thing, sir please could you take a picture of us, you have too much space on tour phone "

I laughed as she hugged me and we took several pictures

" We can go home now"


" Sometimes I wonder if you're a vampire hiding from the outsides pretending like you didn't have fun"

"Okay maybe I did"

" Maybe???" She questioned with her eyebrow arched

" Okay fine I actually had a lot of fun"

She chuckled as she slid into the car I started the car and stares at her leaning in for a kiss and as our lips brushed slightly the car behind us started hooting I laughed and moved out if the parking space.

We got home and she made pasta and we ate dinner together

" Demitri I'm going to bed early today"

" Okay I'll be up soon"

My phone rang and I picked it, it was an unknown number

"Hello who am I speaking with??"

"Its Rosa"

"Oh hi Rosa"

" Hi Demitri how are you "

"I'm okay, how are you settling in"

"I'm okay, it's just that Demitri you've been on my mind since and I would really want us to get back together"

" Rosa I felt the pain of your death for so many years after you left it changed me but now I've moved on"

"Demitri please..."

" Good night Rosa"

I dropped the call, I felt a little sorry for her but I was in love with Rachel now and nothing could change that fact.

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