Chapter 10

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I called after her but she didn't answer as I walked through the bushes I prayed silently that she was okay

"Rachel!! Rachel!!"

Still no answer, then I stormed back into the house

" Mother I can't find her anywhere and I swear if anything happens to her I would blame you for it"

I dialled the 911 to report the case

"Hello yes please I would like to report the case of a missing person.... No it has not been twenty four hours... What do you mean you can't do anything... I doubt if you know who I am...hello!! Hello"

I muttered a curse under my breath as Rosa walked up to me

"Demitri please try to calm down"

as she reached out to touch my chest,  I gave her an icy cold glare and walked up to my room pacing back and forth in my room until my thoughts were broken by my phones ringtone

"hey miles you're just the person I need to talk to... Yes I'm looking for someone she stormed out of the family house into the woods and we've not been able to find her... Yes yes... Okay no problem "

I heard a knock on the door and Hernandez entered my room

"You have to calm down we've organised all the security guards on ground for a little search party she can't have gotten that far on foot"

"I hope so, let's join the search party"

I ran my hands through my hair following Hernandez thinking of what could be happening to Rachel now.

Rae's POV
I woke up and looked around taking in my surroundings, the events leading up until till now returning in a flash. I was dressed I only my underwear now tied at the wrists and ankles on the floor of a bare room with only one window, I heard the locks unlock outside the door and looked up a man walked in and it was the same man that injected me I was on the brink of tears

"Well you're finally awake let me just lay down some rules for you, do  not talk or move or try to make any sound I'm going to remove the duck tape on you now do you understand?? "

I nodded in affirmation, he removed the duck tape and my reflexes hit

" please just help me get out of this I promise I won't report you please just..."

My head snapped to the side and the pain seared through my cheek

"You know you won't last long if you don't follow instructions" he said as he taped my mouth back.

He unhooked my bra and I felt his rough calloused hand tweaking my nipples and t he tears began to flow freely I had never been touched this way before, he slapped my breasts when he noticed the tears and I suppressed  muffled scream under the duck tape

"Stop being with a wuss if I wanted to rape you I would have done it since, but I have to follow the bosses orders"

Of course he was working for someone I thought to myself I really didn't know who I held such a grudge against me

The door opened and another man walked in he looked d scarier and I ought than the other man

"What are you doing Ed"

So that was his name

"Chill out I'm not doing anything to her"

The two men wore black skinny masks so I couldn't see their faces

"Anyways the boss said she would be here any moment from now so get her ready"

The other man left and I was alone with Ed again for some reason I felt safer when the other man was here

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