Chapter 2

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  You and Zoro separate looking at the rubber man tilting his head. Shit Shit Shit Shit! You were screwed! Luffy saw you and Zoro kissing and now he's going to tell everyone and its going to be a disaster. So you decided to do the unexpected.

"Luffy, Zoro-san is mean!!!! He's mad I beat him last night in the drinking contest and I stuck my tongue out at him and he bit my tongue!" You pull out some fake tears and punch Zoro in the gut and run into Luffy's arms fake crying. Luffy of course, falling for your act hugged you and kicked Zoro all the way across the room. Zoro obviously didn't like your idea and growled at you as you silently chuckled leaving with Luffy and you lipped to him.

"Well, at least he fell for it." you wink at Zoro as Luffy carries you out of the room.

Days pass since the day Luffy caught you and Zoro and Luffy wouldn't leave your side no matter what. You were slightly annoyed due to this so while he was busy with Usopp you snuck off to see Zoro.

"Zoro-san, We gotta break it off. They're gonna find out eventually and I don't wanna explain that to everyone. I do love you Zoro-san." You kiss his cheek and hug him as you two agree to break off the relationship.

Later that day you're chatting out on the deck with Usopp and Nami.

"So, (Y/N) when do you think you'll reunite with your crew?" Nami asks you.

"I'm not sure, but I'm positive Captain has noticed I'm missing by now. They all must be so worried about me. Especially Captain." you tell her starting to feel bad.

"Luffy will most likely be the most sad to see you leave when it's time." Usopp sighs. You look at him with curiosity.

"What do you mean Usopp?" You ask him. Just as you ask Usopp this Robin walks in jumping into the conversation and she chuckles.

"You haven't noticed (Y/N)? Luffy is quite fond of you and talks about you all the time." Robin informs you.

"Well, of course I'm like nakama to him Robin-chan." You say with a smile and they all look at each other and shake their heads.

"That's not what we mean (Y/N). We think Luffy might have you know a slight crush on you." Nami tells you. Luffy. Crush. On You? You start to burst out laughing and Usopp looks at you seriously.

"We're being serious (Y/N). Everytime you get hurt, Luffy worries like crazy asking Chopper if your ok constantly, Everytime someone's bugging you he gets mad and tells them to leave you alone. It's not normal for our Captain to act like this." Usopp tells you. Now that you think about it, he does treat you differently from the rest of his crew. Zoro overhears and scowls at the thought of Luffy and you together. It makes him sick. If it wasn't for that rubber baka you and him would still be together.

"It doesn't mean he has a crush on me guys. Zoro-san acts the same way." You reply to Usopp trying to convince him that Luffy can't possibly be in love with you.

"Thats because you and Zoro dated (Y/N)," Nami sighs at you. Wait. How did she know?

"H-How did you know Nami-san?" You ask her suprised.

"We all knew. It was quite obvious. Zoro doesn't act that way around just anyone." Nami informs you and you slightly blush. Zoro gets up and walks over to you.

"I told you (Y/N) he likes you." Zoro adds in to the conversation. You would have never expected such an enthusiastic guy would be in love with you. Luffy runs up to you.

"Oi! (Y/N)! Whatcha guys talking about?" Luffy gives you a goofy grin. Could it be possible that this childish captain has fallen for you. You'd have to find out yourself.

"Hey Luffy, wanna play a game with me?" you ask him with a smile. You knew he couldn't resist playing games so step 1, check! now to step 2.

"(Y/N)-saaaaaannnnnn!! I've made.." You cut Sanji off right there.

"NOT NOW SANJI! IM TRYING TO PLAY A GAME WITH LUFFY!" You yell at the chef. He gets all upset and Zoro just laughs at him.

"What are you laughing at you stupid moss head!" Sanji glares at Zoro with angry eyes.

"You just got rejected love cook." Zoro still laughs at the ever so angry Sanji and the two start fighting. You gotta admit you loved it when those to fought but you didn't have time to watch them you were busy with Luffy.

"Ok Luffy, Now this is how the game goes. You stare into each others eyes without blinking. And whoever stares the longest without blinking is the winner now if I win you gotta tell me your crush and if you win I'll give you my dinner for tonight." You smile at Luffy who's eyes light up at the thought of food. You were determined to win and see if Luffy has a crush on you. But it didn't turn out you wanted because the two idiots who were still fighting ended up bumping into you making you blink and you lost the contest and your dinner. Oh were those two going to get it tonight.

"ZORO-SAN!" You yelled and he froze and Sanji laughed and ran into the kitchen to hide from you.

"(Y/N) I'm sorry, I didn't mean to..." You cut him off and literally beat the him so bad that Chopper had to take him to the sick bay and bandage him up.

"I know you lost (Y/N). But you didn't have to be so rough on him like that." Nami told you.

"Oh really. Well I guess I'll be taking your dinner tonight." You say with an evil smile and Nami apologizes getting scared at the face you gave her.

Later in the evening after dinner you go into the sick bay to check on Zoro. Chopper is there with him and man did Zoro look awful. You felt bad and sat on the side of the bed. He opened his eyes.

"What do you want?" He asked in a raspy voice. You put your hand on the back of his head and your other on his cheek rubbing it.

"Hey, I'm sorry for what I did earlier. I just got carried away trying to figure out if Luffy really liked me or not and I got angry I lost my dinner to him. I didn't mean to hurt you this bad." You said in a saddened tone. He looks at you and see's the sadness in your eyes.

"It's ok, I forgive you, but next time warn me before you do crazy shit like that." He laughs and you giggle.

"(Y/N), He needs to rest." Chopper tells you and you nod and kiss Zoro on the forehead before leaving.

The next morning your helping Usopp fill up his arsenal.

"Wow Usopp, you got quite a lot of seeds here can you really hit anything with these and knock out your opponent?" You smile at him.

"Well I am King of the Snipers after all. I am the unbeatable Captain Usopp!" He stands up in a proud stance and smiles. You giggle.

"Than I guess the King of the Snipers wouldn't mind sparring with me a little bit?" You tease him

"I think I'm coming down with Icantfight-osis." He droops down and you laugh. You get up to go check on Zoro and he's not in the sick bay. You get confused and look around the ship for him. Heading up to the crow's nest you see him up there lifting weights. That moron. You walk up to him and single handedly grab the 100,000 pound weight out of his hands and he looks at you shocked.

"What do you think you're doing Mr.Scarface?" you stick your tongue out at him and he just chuckles as you hand the giant weight back to him. "Aren't you supposed to be resting?"

"Chopper said I was good to go so I came up here and just started training." He tells you as he gets back to lifting his weights.

"Hmmm? So if I go ask Chopper if he said you could take off you're bandages he will confirm it?" You smile trying to get him to crack. He stops and sighs.

"I can't hide anything from you can I?"

"Nope." You giggle. Chopper runs in.

"(Y/N)! Have you seen Zoro? I can't find him anywhere and all his bandages were on the floor this morning." Chopper freaks out and you smile pointing to Zoro whose behind you. He sighs

"I can't ever get a break with you." Zoro says as Chopper takes him back to the sick bay.   

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