It's So Hard

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I just wanted to kiss him and hug him. I picked out a movie and sat on Jean's bed with him. He felt so warm.

Jean's point of view
Marco pulled out the Hunger Games like he knew where it was. We watched it and then I noticed Marco crying as Rue died. "What's wrong?" I asked him worried "nothing" he said wiping away tears. About 15 minutes later I said "Marco" "shh... the movie's not over yet" he said jokingly. I just stayed quiet for the rest of the movie.

Marco's point of view

I really wanted to kiss him but the movie still had 5 minutes. I waited and as the end credits came up Jean paused it. "I've never exactly kissed a guy before" he told me "I haven't kissed anyone." He leaned in and kissed me.

Jean's point of view

I couldn't believe he hadn't kissed anyone before. He kissed me hard. I started to breathe a bit too heavy.

Marco's point of view

His tongue found my lips and explored every inch of my mouth.  Soon just a string of spit was connecting our lips together. Then I think I started breathing too hard.

Jean's point of view

We broke away and he just smiled at me, I smiled back but I noticed a small gap in Marco's teeth. "I can give you your tooth back in you want" I said, then I realized how weird that sounded.
"Oh that's what happened to my tooth, the nurse was yelling at Sasha and Connie because she thought that she managed to loose that tooth" he said laughing "I have to wear this weird retainer for a bit now." I figured out that's what my tongue kept hitting. "Do you want to go down stairs?" I asked Marco "Sure" he answered.

Marco's point of view

We went down stairs into the kitchen holding hands, I loved the feel of his hand in mine. As Jean took the warm mugs out of the microwave I hugged him really close. He kissed my nose and sat the mugs down. I felt the warm hot chocolate go down my throat. "Jean?" I said "Where are your parents?" He didn't say anything for a bit. He the got a phone call and went outside. I didn't mean to say anything wrong but I just don't want to leave him alone.

Jean's point of view

My parents weren't coming home for a week but I'm used to it though it was so hard not seeing them for my birthday or Christmas 4 years in a row. I didn't want Marco to leave, I guess this is the moment where I realize I really do love him but yet I don't know him much.

I went back to see Marco but he was on the phone and he seemed really mad. He turned around and pulled me tight, "I'm sorry" he said a bit muffled. "Did someone die!" I screamed "no, it's just that a rumour spread that we're both gay" he replied. "Are you gay?" I asked nervously "I've been gay since the day I was born" he laughed, he has the cutest laugh. "Are you gay?" Marco asked me "um... I guess.. maybe bi?" I said "Let's let this go until tomorrow" he smiled "ok" he said.

Marco's point of view

We went back up to Jean's room and watched Buffy the Vampire Slayer. I honestly still have no idea why Buffy and Angel slept together and Angel lost his soul. I looked over to Jean and he paused the show, "are you okay?" he asked "sorry, I just like the way your eyes sparkle" I said. Jean blushed, pinched me in the arm and said "don't be such a nerd."  We kind of just had a moment of awkward and the Jean asked "do you want to spend the night" I nodded but I had already texted my mum asking her about an hour ago. "Do you need anything to sleep in" he asked me "I usually just sleep in my boxers" I replied " I do too" Jean said chuckling. I went to my car to grab a blanket because I was freezing to death. I went back to Jean and we cuddled up in it. Then Jean pulled me on top of him and started kissing me, he slid my shirt off and began to unbutton my jeans.

Jean's point of view

I had Marco on top of me and he slid off my pants and started to unbutton my shirt. Then he flipped us over and I started kissing him, he felt so cold but he made me feel so warm. Soon enough we were both basically naked.

Marco's point of view

We broke apart after he started to moan a bit. I honestly couldn't believe that I could love a person I hardly know so much. A little while after I started to fall asleep.

Jean's point of view

Marco was adorable when he was asleep and soon I fell asleep.

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