And I Remeber Everything

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Jean's point of view

I woke up to find Alex hugging onto my waist but he was still asleep, Marco was still nuzzling his face into the crook of my neck. I smiled to myself thinking about what it would be like if Marco and I had a family. "Hey Marco are you awake?" I whispered "yeah" he replied sleepily, "should we go put Alex back in his bed?" I asked "nah he's been through quite a bit tonight" he replied softly. We both fell back asleep until moring.

Marco's point of view

We stayed silent for a bit. Just staring into each other's eyes with a bit of moon light coming in through the window. I loved the way Jean's eyes illuminated in the light, they twinkled and gave this warm conforting feeling. His hair was a bit messy but it only made him look cuter.

Jean started to shift around a bit. At first I couldn't figure out what he was doing then I saw that he brought Alex into one arm and me into the other. I never exactly have seen this side of Jean. He always appeared to that jackass or heartbreaker but in reality he's just a sweet guy who I love to call my boyfriend.

Jean noticed my staring and looked a bit perplexed. "Are you ok?" He asked rubbing my shoulder lovingly. "I'm just looking at how handsome you are and thinking about how much I love you" I replied with a small blush. "Well that was awfully cheesy" he said with a chuckle. "Please shut up both of you or at least just get a room" I heard Alex say a bit muffled, "you're in my room buddy, if we're too cute for you then you can go to your own room" I said laughing a bit. Alex stayed silent and just grabbed onto my hand from over Jean's body. "You doing ok though?" I asked rubbing his hand gently with my thumb, "yeah I'll be ok but I just need to think for a bit" he replied softly. I smiled and cuddled closer to Jean.

"Marco?" Jean said looking deep into my eyes. "What?" I replied but I started to look around my room. "Do you want to get married right after we get out of high school?" He asked ever so calmly. "Well I would like to marry you but I don't know if it would be right after we graduate high school. I would like get a degree and find a job so I can support both of us" I said trying to explain all my reasoning. I could see the bit of disappointment in Jean's face and it actually hurt a lot to just looked at him right now. "Although that doesn't mean we can't get an apartment together as soon as we graduate. We can get it somewhere in the city near the university but close to home. We can go back to see relatives for the holidays very easily or just go on weekends because why not. I haven't thought much about my future or the entire future at all but I know that I want you to be in my future forever and in my present" I said trying to sounding as loving as possible. Jean just gave me a quick peck, said "I love you" and told me that I need rest now. I think it may have worked out as loving

I felt my eyelids get heavier until I fell asleep.

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