The Words I Never Got to Say the First Time Around

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Jean's Point of view

Marco and I went running to my house but the only problem was that we totally forgot about Alex. We went up to my room and I laid Marco across my bed and started planting kisses up and down his neck "Jean we need to get Alex" Marco said blushing heavily "he can wait a bit" I said biting onto his neck. About 15 minutes later Alex shows up at my house "Marco!" He yelled up the stairs "Alex you were supposed to wait for us!" Marco yelled back "I'm 12 years old I don't need you to walk me home!" Alex replied. Alex came running up the stairs to find Marco and I shirtless "Don't come in!" Marco shouted but it was too late "what are you doing?" Alex asked confused "nothing" I said blushing "Marco we have to go home" Alex said "ok give me a minute" Marco replied putting his shirt back on. "I'll see tomorrow" he said kissing me on the cheek before he left, I never knew what it was like to have parents waiting for you at home because mine were always gone.

Marco's point of view

I kinda felt bad about leaving Jean like that but he'll see me tomorrow. "Hey mum!" I said walking into the house "Marco I thought you were going to stay with Jean for tonight?" My mum said walking towards me "Alex said I had to go home" I said confused. "Alex get down here!" She yelled up the stairs "what?" He said down the stairs "I think he wanted to hang out with the big boys" she said giggling "please never say that again" Alex and I said at the same time. "Ok but seriously take Alex with you back to Jean's house to apologize for the mishap" she said walking back into the kitchen. "Get your stuff because I'm not walking you back home" I said to Alex "sure" he replied. We got into my car and drove back to Jean's house because I didn't want to walk all the way back. When we got there I noticed that Alex was asleep.

Jean's point of view

I looked out my window to find Marco's car parked in my driveway. I went rushing down the stairs to go find Marco standing outside carrying a sleeping Alex on his back. He was about to knock but I opened the door and it scared him, Alex woke up and fell back onto the stairs "What the hell just happened!" Alex said rubbing his head. "You fell asleep and then fell" Marco said staring at him "well don't just stand there help me!" He said yelling at Jean and I, Marco carried Alex inside and sat him on the couch. "Hey Jean I can make us dinner if you'd like" Marco said walking over to the kitchen "wait are you and Alex staying the night?" I asked smiling "sure if that's okay" he replied "yeah it's fine" I said smiling even more. While Marco made us dinner I sat with Alex "why do you even like that dipshit?" Alex asked looking at me "well... There's something about him that makes me just want to love him, he's just the sweetest person I've ever met and I want to be with him for the rest of my life" I said blushing "oh" Alex said. I could see that he was lost in thought but he didn't have too much time to think because Marco finished dinner. After dinner I sat cuddling up to Marco watching TV while Alex sat on his phone,"I have to go do something" he said walking into one of the hallways. Marco and I listened to Alex as he was on the phone "god damn it I hate you Mia!" We heard him cry "you told me that everything would turn out happy in the end... You lied... You're a fucking liar Mia!.. You were the one who told me that this would work out... I'm done with you bitch!" He cried out one finally time. Alex ran back into the room crying "Alex!" Marco said reaching his arms out "you were right Mia was just using me" he said through tears "come here" Marco said reaching for him "no I want Jean" he cried. Alex sat down next to me and I wrapped my other arm around him "Mia shopped lifted something and now she's blaming me" Alex said sniffing "you didn't do anything and we're here for you" I said hugging onto to him. After a bit Alex stopped crying and fell asleep, Marco carried him into the his room and then we headed up to my room. "You'd make a good father" Marco said laughing a bit "maybe I will become a father" I said pinning Marco to the bed, "not tonight because Alex is here" he said brushing his fingers through my hair. I got off him and lied on the bed "can I at least get a kiss?" I asked "of course" Marco said pulling me towards him. For a while Marco kissed up and down my neck leaving a few hickeys and bite marks, eventually we fell asleep in each other's arms.

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