Chapter one: No longer unrequited

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The sounds of coughing, sobs, sniffling, and a throat clearing could be heard throughout the school's washroom for girls.

I was crying again. I'm sick and tired of being bullied or being betrayed by jealous girls, and most certainly by Natsu Dragneel.

I've been in here for almost a full period, seriously skipping class just because of some dumb joke.

I don't believe he is a bad person because he's never dared to put his hands on me, but that doesn't mean I'm not scared of him.

He only 'teases' me and sometimes takes my things. It seems like he's only teasing to most people and even to me sometimes, but for some reason most things he says hurts. It actually sounds like he's making fun of me. Maybe it hurts so much because over time I developed a little crush on him.

I finally wipe my tears and head out of the washroom and to my next class, Gym.

I wish Juvia was here, why did she have to go on that stupid vacation?

After a while of walking in the cleared hallway, I overhear some girls talking about the very reason for my tears, Natsu.

Natsu has Salmon pinkish hair, which most people find sexy/cute. He is a little tanned and has a muscular toned body. He is kind and cares a whole lot about family and friends, but there's obviously one exception. Me.

There are two girls, one a brunette and the other a blonde. I'm positive her name is Lucy. I stop myself from turning the left I was about to make.

"Hey, did you hear? Natsu's skipping gym class, today." The brunette started. Lucy seemed to perk up at this question.

"Really? Where did he run off to this time?" Lucy asks, amusement clearly evident in her eyes.

"The nurse's office." Both girls giggle.

"Wow, that Natsu," Lucy adds.

I could have sworn I saw a light blush dusted across her cheeks before she entered the gymnasium.

I begin to tear up just a bit. Why is he so nice to everyone except me? I feel so jealous.

After the coast was clear, I made my way inside, as well. I felt a tinge of sadness take over me at the fact that Natsu's not here. I should really quit this, he doesn't even like me back anyways. This will all just be one-sided.

While walking in, I caught some people staring at me and the rest were just minding their own business. They were probably staring from the fact that I just skipped the previous class I had then made my way to the gym.

I headed into the girl's change room and changed into my gym uniform.

Our gym teacher, Mr. Clive made us practice kicking our soccer balls back and forth with a partner. I didn't have any current friends in this class so obviously, I was left all alone.

I began walking around looking for a partner until I was hit in the back of the head by a soccer ball. I began feeling very dizzy, nonetheless, I spun around to locate anything suspicious, hoping to find the person who threw the ball.

I happened to see Lisanna Strauss over in the opposite direction as me, giggling and cackling over how extremely funny that scenario just was.

I glare at her, she notices this and scoffs.
"What?" She asks cockily, probably hoping to see what I will do.

"I didn't say anything." I say, my gaze unwavering and I just stand there. Why does everyone hate me?

"That's what I thought!" She barks back. Wow, how un-feminine of her. That was completely uncalled for.

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