Chapter thirteen: Don't sound so disappointed

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There should be other things on my mind right now. I had more important places to be, like checking up on Natsu and dragging his ass back to school with me tomorrow. Heck, I could be at home in my warm bed taking a nap.

Not running errands with Gray Fullbuster in his car.

When Gray had grabbed me by the arm and proceeded to take me to his car, I expected a slap on the wrist and a ride home out of good-will.

Not freezing car temperature, and most definitely not a trip to the grocery store where it's just as cold.

The chill in the car cut through every piece of clothing I wore and I swear my toes were getting numb. Okay, maybe that's a bit of an exaggeration. Not the toes part, though, yeah couldn't feel those.

Much worse than when you've sat down for too long and finally get up, having the buzz run up and down your poor legs. Much, much worse.

"Are you cold?" This question earns Gray a death glare and I snap my head towards him, gritting my teeth.

"What gave it away?" I squeeze my arms around myself tighter, trying to acquire even the slightest bit of warmth.

Gray winces, the mere action giving birth to a new expression on his face. One of—not sympathy because he was clearly fucking fine in this temperature, and that I had to learn the hard way—but one of apology.

I had to wonder if he was an alien sometimes.

I roll my eyes. "There is seriously something wrong with you."

"I know it all too well," Gray mutters under his breath.

There was a certain edge to his voice and he noticeably tensed. I eye his facial expression, noting a thick swallow and the tightness of his jaw. He discreetly grips the steering wheel—not all that discreetly since I picked up on it.

I didn't like seeing Gray like this. Our relationship had been pure joking around for a while now, so I didn't expect this from him. It's the same thing as finding out your teacher actually has a life outside of school and they don't just stay stationary at their desks like Barbie dolls in the dream house.

"Where are we going anyway?" I let out a low sigh, trying to stop the chattering of my teeth, soon deciding on clenched teeth that made it look like I had lock-jaw.

"I told you. The grocery store, man you're slow." Gray teases and I glare. Mentally contemplating on how bad it would be to punch the driver stupid. It was not the time for teasing.

"Let me rephrase the question: Why are we going?"

"Uh, to get groceries?" ....I'm tired.

"That's it. Let me out." My hand grips the car door by its handle and I give Gray a hard stare, watching as his eyes quickly avert from the road to my hand, noticing movement. When he glances at me and realizes I'm serious, he finally releases a sigh. Victory!

"Look, I'm trying to cheer you up, okay?" He scratches his neck awkwardly, barely giving me a glance. This trip better be worth it if I'm going through all this trouble.

My eyes light ablaze. "Well, that plan failed the moment you began freezing me to death!" I grit out, my voice sounding a tad bit shaky due to the freezing in progress.

First, it's me, and next thing you know, all of Arendelle. We couldn't let Gray do this. Somebody needed to stop him. Well, I can see why Natsu calls Gray Ice princess, now. It all makes sense, plus, I swear he's called Gray 'Elsa' in the halls before. How ironic.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2020 ⏰

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