Chapter two: Sweet nothings

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I woke up to the obvious, annoying natural ringing of my alarm clock. Doesn't everyone's mornings start like this?

I honestly, was angry with myself for not trusting my natural instincts of waking up, instead of setting my alarm 20 minutes earlier than my actual wake up time (in case I desired to oversleep or had extra homework I needed to finish) because I was having the best dream ever.

I blushed at the vague memory of it, now If I even try to go back to sleep, close my eyes, or remember it, I knew it will never come back and if it did, it would probably be accidental and I would waste it.

I was kind of still sleepy and I checked my clock to see how much time I had left which was 50 minutes (including the extra time I have since I wake up extra early) so I decided to get about 15 more minutes of rest. I also didn't get enough sleep last night because that dumb pink hot head was clogging up my brain.

I simply sighed then headed back to sleep after snuggling up to my pillow and wrapping myself in my jet black sheets.

I felt a painful sensation on my eyelids and I quickly covered my face on top of my pillow. I shot back up out of my bed once I realized it was the morning I checked the time on my clock which now said 8:31 am and paused for a moment.

When sudden realization kicked in, I went straight to the bathroom to take a quick 5-minute shower.

I stripped my clothes and hopped in while letting out a sigh of relaxation once I felt the warm water reach all over my skin, leaving a warm soft tingly sensation on my body.

I washed all my limbs and including private parts then washed my hair with my favorite kiwi scented shampoo. I adore all types of the sweet, fruity scents for shampoo they're just so refreshing. I closed my eyes enjoying the fresh sweet scent.

I quickly snapped my eyes open as a wave of realization, worry, and rush washed straight down my spine and finished then I turned off the shower, reaching for two white towels, one to wrap around my head and one for my body.

I stepped out the shower to do my morning necessities. I walked over to the sink where I keep all my morning "things" and dried my hair.

Once my hair was dried I turned on my straightener and after two minutes I began to straighten my hair which made it pin straight.

After I was done tending to my hair, I went to my room and put on some clothes consisting of a dark grey sweatshirt and some blue jeans with my black running shoes that ended just above the ankle.

Once putting on my clothes, I realized I only had 24 minutes left so I head back to the bathroom to do my makeup. My makeup was pretty simple I only filled in my eyebrows a little although they were naturally pretty, with makeup they just looked a little nicer. I also put on a light shiny pink lip gloss with some mascara (my eyelashes were pretty long) I used my eyelash comb so there were no clumps, so they looked really pretty.

Afterward, I headed downstairs to make myself some breakfast and I decided to make a quick batch of pancakes. I turned on the stove and poured some oil while the stove was heating I tended to the mix.

Some enough, the pancakes were done and I had 2 of them with some maple syrup and orange juice then with the rest I packed it for lunch so I could finish it later. I still packed my lunch money in case I was still hungry.

Since I was finished eating I went back upstairs to get my phone, my other essentials, notebooks, etc so I could pack my bag and leave.

While I was upstairs I grabbed my black beanie that said "MEOW" on top of it in big bold letters and put it on my head. Then, I finally went downstairs and I headed out the door, locking it afterward.

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